What was a positive event or situation that you did not expect during the first half of your student teaching? Explain. – Teacher day

Mid-point and Final Reflections
(TaskStream Assignment)
Name:                                                              Date:                                                                              
Reflective Comments. Please use the following questions to guide your reflection:

For Mid-point Evaluation:

What has been the biggest challenge you faced during the first half of your student teaching? Explain.

-Time management, sometimes I don’t finish the class on time.
One time I didn’t finish the class on time and I had to take a class from another

What was a positive event or situation that you did not expect during the first half of your student teaching? Explain.

Teacher day.
How the students love me.

What two areas that would you like to focus on for improvement during the second half of your student teaching?

First: I need to focus more on my time management and finish the class on time “write the disadvantages of not finishing on time”
Second: create more effective activities for the low and high achievers in the same class.

What is one way that you would like your mentor teacher to help you that she/he has not done up to this time or that you would like her/him to help with more? Explain.

She is so collaborative and helps me whenever I need.
She gives me a great support.
When I do mistakes she tries her best to help me to change it or make it better.

What is one way that you would like your college supervisor to help you that she/he has not done up to this time or that you would like her/him to help with more? Explain.

What I noticed is that our collage supervisor is very organized.
She always gives us feed backs to improve our selves.
I would love if she began with my positive points then the negative ones.

Mid and Final Reflections Rubric
(Final Only — TaskStream Assignment)

غير مقبول
Needs Improvement
يحتاج الى تحسين 

Reflections do not reveal the thoughts, feelings, or insights of the candidate.
التأمل لا يبين أفكار، مشاعر أو رؤى المرشح.
Reflections reveal some (limited) personal experiences, thoughts, feelings, or insights.
التأمل يبين بعض التجارب الشخصية المحدودة ، والأفكار، والمشاعر، والرؤى.
Reflections provide personal experiences, noting some personal thoughts, feelings, or insights.
التأمل يقدم تجارب شخصية، يبين بعض الأفكار الشخصية، والمشاعر، والرؤى.
Reflections are deeply thoughtful, providing personal thoughts, feelings, and insights.
التأملات تكون مدروسة بعمق، وتقدم أفكاراً شخصية، ومشاعر، ورؤى.

Very limited number of reflections; brief and/or incomplete.
عدد محدود من التأملات، وتكون مختصرة و/أو غير مكتملة.
Set of reflections provides some insight into experience, but lacks thoroughness and/or depth.
مجموعة من التأملات تتضمن بعض التجارب وتفتقر الشمول  و/أو العمق.
Set of reflections provides an overview of experience.
مجموعة من التأملات تقدم لمحة عامة عن الخبرات والتجارب.
Set of reflections is substantive, thorough and provides an in-depth view of experience.
مجموعة  من الـتأملات تكون موضوعية، وتقدم صورة عميقة عن الخبرات التجارب.

Reflections are repetitive and portray a very limited number of aspects of teaching and learning.
التأملات مكررة وتعطي صورة محدودة جداً عن مجالات التعلم والتعليم.
A limited number of aspects of teaching and learning are discussed.
عدد محدود من مجالات التعلم والتعليم يتم مناقشتها.
Several important aspects of teaching and learning are discussed.
عدد من المجالات المهمة في عملية التعلم والتعليم يتم مناقشتها.
Narratives on a broad and range of experiences provide in-depth perspectives on numerous aspects of teaching and learning.
السرد على نطاق واسع من التجارب والخبرات يقدم وجهات نظر عميقة حول جوانب عدة من التعلم والتعليم.

There are serious errors in professionalism.
هناك بعض الأخطاء الكبيرة في المهنية.
There are some errors in professionalism in several of the reflections; none serious.
هناك بعض الأخطاء المهنية في بعض من التأملات، ولكنها ليست أخطاء  ذات اثر كبير
Overall, the reflections exhibit high standards of confidentiality, ethics, and respect for teaching as a profession.
إجمالياً، التأملات تقدم مقياس عالي من السرية، الأخلاق، والاحترام للتعليم كمهنة.
The entire set of reflections exhibits high standards of confidentiality, ethics, and respect for teaching as a profession.
كل التأملات تقدم مقياس عالي من السرية، الأخلاق، والاحترام للتعليم كمهنة.

No professional growth is demonstrated.
لا يوجد شرح للتطور.
There is some evidence of candidate growth in skill, understanding, or professionalism; however, it is not clearly demonstrated.
يوجد بعض الأدلة على  تطور مهارات المرشح، وتطور فهمه أو مهنيته، ولكن دون وجود شرح واضح.
Overall, the reflections demonstrate candidate growth in skill, understanding, or professionalism.
إجمالا، التأملات تشرح تطور مهارات المرشح، وتطور فهمه ومهنيته.
The set of reflections clearly demonstrate candidate growth in skill, understanding, and professionalism.
مجموعة من التأملات تشرح بوضوح تطور مهارات المرشح، وتطور فهمه ومهنيته.

The post What was a positive event or situation that you did not expect during the first half of your student teaching? Explain. – Teacher day ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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