What does our freedom consist in, and does Markowitz (in the article above on mental health) exercise the capacity that affords us freedom? Explain the connection between self-consciousness and rationality, and rationality and freedom.
Topic. Like other animals, we have instinctual inclinations. But unlike the fixed, instinctual behavior of most non-human animals, we can question what we ought to think, feel and do. When we fail to do so, i.e., when we are certain of ourselves, we usually are not at our best.
What does our freedom consist in, and does Markowitz (in the article above on mental health) exercise the capacity that affords us freedom? Explain the connection between self-consciousness and rationality, and rationality and freedom. Explain whether or not Markowitz displays rationality and thus freedom in the sense of responsiveness to reasons as such.
Template. Title your paper in a manner that sums up the paper, e.g., ‘Freedom and Critical Self-reflection’.
The first paragraph should do no more and no less than (i) state the main goal of the paper in the first sentence and, in the next four to five sentences, (ii) outline the main steps the paper takes to reach that goal. Here is an example.
‘The paper aims to explain how self-consciousness affords us freedom, as compared to most non-human animals. The first section explains how self-consciousness enables us to respond, not only to reasons, but also to reasons as such. This capacity to reason about our reasoning — to question our answers/explanations — in turn enables us to change and grow in ways that most other animals cannot. In light of this understanding of freedom, the second section determines that Markowitz’s article on mental health displays the kind of (self-)critical thinking that affords freedom.’
Each section should be numbered and titled in a manner that sums up the section. E.g., ‘1. Self-awareness and Freedom’.
Write clearly and concisely, using as few words as possible to make the necessary points.
Resources. Besides chapter three of Blackburn’s Think, the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy all have entries on free will.
Markowitz’s article on neuroscience and mental health can be found above in this Brightspace modue.
Format and cosmetics. Chicago Manuel of Style, APA and MLA are all acceptable. Just pick one and stick to it.
The length of this paper should be somewhere around 300 words.
The post What does our freedom consist in, and does Markowitz (in the article above on mental health) exercise the capacity that affords us freedom? Explain the connection between self-consciousness and rationality, and rationality and freedom. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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