What does it mean to take a critical perspective on war? What are the political and scholarly configurations of critique
3-5 pages (800-1200 words), along with footnotes and bibliography
Using evidence from at least two of the following texts: Zoli, A People Uncounted, A Dying Colonialism, Aaronette White’s article from Signs, The Battle of Algiers and course lectures, we ask you to provide a critical analysis of the everyday effects of war. By focusing on people’s everyday lives, in this assignment you will begin to address some of the fundamental questions of this course: What does it mean to take a critical perspective on war? What are the political and scholarly configurations of critique? How does critique help us understand the workings of power? This is a thought piece, and as such it should be carefully worked out, with detailed evidence from the readings, films and lectures to support your theories; it should be based on your own theorizations about the meanings of critique, and while you should pay attention to scholarly norms, feel free to explore your own ideas about critical perspectives on war in this piece.
And, from the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, a definition of critique:
• noun a detailed analysis and assessment.
• verb (critiques, critiqued, critiquing) evaluate in a detailed and analytical way.
— ORIGIN French.[1]
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