web development exercise 7 2

 Exercise 7-2_x000D_
In this project, you will write SQL statements that return team_x000D_
names, games played, and number of at-bats from the teamstats_x000D_
table in the baseball_stats database. You will also write SQL state-_x000D_
ments that return the teams that have the least and most all-time_x000D_
home runs. For these select queries, you will need to use the LIMIT_x000D_
keyword, which restricts the number of records returned from the_x000D_
database. For example, if you specify a value of 10 with the LIMIT_x000D_
keyword, the database returns the first 10 records that match the con-_x000D_
ditions of your query. Finally, you will write SQL statements that use_x000D_
the SUM() function to return the total number of games played by all_x000D_
 teams and the AVG() function to return the common batting average_x000D_
                  for all teams._x000D_
                     1.   Return to MySQL Monitor._x000D_
                     2.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team,_x000D_
                          G (games played), and AB (at bats) fields from the teamstats_x000D_
                          mysql> SELECT team, G, AB FROM teamstats;[ENTER ]_x000D_
                     3.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team,_x000D_
                          G (games played), and AB (at bats) fields from the teamstats_x000D_
                          table, sorted by team name:_x000D_
                          mysql> SELECT team, G, AB FROM teamstats ORDER BY_x000D_
                          team;[ENTER ]_x000D_
                     4.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team,_x000D_
                          G (games played), and AB (at bats) fields from the teamstats_x000D_
                          table, reverse sorted by team name:_x000D_
                          mysql> SELECT team, G, AB FROM teamstats ORDER BY_x000D_
                          team DESC;[ENTER ]_x000D_
                     5.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team_x000D_
                          and HR (home runs) fields. The statement sorts the records by_x000D_
                          the HR field and includes the LIMIT keyword, assigned a value_x000D_
                          of 1. Because the records are sorted in ascending order, the_x000D_
                          statement returns the first record, which lists the team with_x000D_
                          the least all-time home runs: the Tampa Bay Rays, with 1713._x000D_
                          mysql> SELECT team, HR FROM teamstats ORDER BY HR_x000D_
                          LIMIT 1;[ENTER ]_x000D_
                     6.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which also returns_x000D_
                          the team and HR (home runs) fields. The statement reverse_x000D_
                          sorts the records by the HR field and includes the LIMIT key-_x000D_
                          word, assigned a value of 1. Because the records are sorted_x000D_
                          in descending order, the statement returns the first record,_x000D_
                          which lists the team with the most all-time home runs: the_x000D_
                          New York Yankees, with 13,914._x000D_
                          mysql> SELECT team, HR FROM teamstats ORDER BY HR_x000D_
                          DESC LIMIT 1;[ENTER ]_x000D_
                     7.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which uses the SUM()_x000D_
                          function to return the total number of games played by sum-_x000D_
                          ming the contents of the G fields. Because each game played_x000D_
                          was between two teams in the database, the sum will be twice_x000D_
                          the actual number of games, so you divide the result by two._x000D_
                          You should see a value of 182,525._x000D_
                          mysql> SELECT SUM(G)/2 FROM teamstats;[ENTER ]_x000D_
 8.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which uses the AVG()_x000D_
        function to return the batting average for all teams by averag-_x000D_
        ing the contents of the AVG fields. You should see a value of_x000D_
        mysql> SELECT AVG(AVG) FROM teamstats;[ENTER ]_x000D_
   9.   Unfortunately, this is not the true all-time batting average,                                  441_x000D_
        because each team has a different number of at-bats. Enter_x000D_
        the following SELECT statement, which gets the weighted_x000D_
        average per team, and divides by the total number of at-bats._x000D_
        You should see a value of 0.26256022536176._x000D_
        mysql> SELECT SUM(AVG*AB)/SUM(AB) FROM_x000D_
        teamstats;[ENTER ]_x000D_