Watch the “The Self-Driving Car Capital Of The World” documentary and write and submit a review using this tab.

(1) The main thesis of the documentary; (2) Brief summary of the documentary; (3) Evaluation of the thesis (Do you agree with the thesis or not?); (4) Two or Three reasons why you agree or disagree with the documentarys thesis. Your reviews must have a college-level essay structure: Title, Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Do not use any secondary source for this book review assignment.

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The post Watch the “The Self-Driving Car Capital Of The World” documentary and write and submit a review using this tab. appeared first on Savvy Essay Writers.

Watch the “The Self-Driving Car Capital Of The World” documentary and write and submit a review using this tab. was first posted on January 27, 2020 at 6:13 am.
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