Using a variety of rhetorical terms and concepts, assess the effectiveness of the author’s claims and overarching argument, as well as their various choices and strategies throughout the text.

Select a text from the options provided by your teacher and write a rhetorical analysis of this artifact. Using a variety of rhetorical terms and concepts, assess the effectiveness of the author’s claims and overarching argument, as well as their various choices and strategies throughout the text.
• Be 5-6 pages long with 1-inch margins, double-spaced, in a readable 11–12 pt. font
• Include an accurate and fair summary of the artifact you are analyzing as the opening
• Include accurate description of the aspects of the rhetorical situation or context as they pertain
to your artifact (this means identifying its purpose, audience(s), exigence, and relevant
information about the rhetor)
– author background
• Include a clear thesis that makes an evaluative claim about the artifact’s effectiveness (a
particularly effective thesis also helps readers by providing a “roadmap” of the essay)
• Use at least three rhetorical concepts in sophisticated discussions of the artifact’s effectiveness
(that is, concepts are not just deployed as a passing aside, but are instead integral to your
• Have an effective title that is inviting to readers and helps readers preview the purpose and
subject of your analysis
• End with a conclusion that synthesizes your claims
• Use MLA to cite the artifact and any secondary research you’ve conducted, including in-text
citations and a works cited page
• Use clear language, and be carefully edited
The post Using a variety of rhetorical terms and concepts, assess the effectiveness of the author’s claims and overarching argument, as well as their various choices and strategies throughout the text. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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