tuesdays with morrie reading guide pages 122 163- Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

tuesdays with morrie reading guide pages 122 163- Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

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Reading Guide Four (pp. 122-163)

“The Eighth Tuesday: We talk About Money”

1.According to Morrie, why do we often become disillusioned with life?

2.According to Morrie, how are Americans brainwashed by the media? What are Americans taught to believe?

3.How can we get personal satisfaction, according to Morrie?

4.What does Morrie say about striving for status?

5.What did Ted Turner, the media mogul not want his tombstone to read? What does Morrie think about this?

“The Ninth Tuesday: We Talk About How Love Goes On”

1. Does Mitch speak to his brother in Spain? Why or why not? Explain.

2.Where does Morrie want to be moved to from his bed every morning? Why does he want this?

3.What message does Morrie want engraved on his tombstone?

4.How does Morrie make the person whom he is speaking with feel (in person)?

5.According to Morrie, why haven’t most people found the meaning of life? What are they more concerned about?

6.How does Morrie remember his father’s death?

7.How does Morrie’s father’s death prepare Morrie for his own death?

8. What are some vocabulary words in this section that are new to you?

“The Tenth Tuesday: We Talk About Marriage”

1. Who does Morrie ask to meet when Mitch comes to his house on this particular Tuesday?

2. What does Morrie request that this visitor do when the person comes to see Morrie?

3. Why is Morrie sad about the way the younger generation regards marriage?

4. Discuss the three rules of marriage that Morrie believes are necessary for a successful marriage between two people.

5. Does Morrie believe people should get married in their lives? Why, or why not? Explain. What do you think about


“The Eleventh Tuesday: We Talk About Culture”

1. Why is it necessary for those around Morrie to pound on his back?

2. According to Morrie, how do people often act when they are threatened?

3.What advice does Morrie give about community?

4.How does Morrie respond at a Brandeis basketball game when all of the fans are yelling, “We’re Number One?”

5.What trial is happening at the time Mitch is visiting Morrie? What is the verdict?

“Audiovisual: Part Three”

1. How was this third, and last, visit of Ted Koppel, anchor of the television program, “Nightline,” with Morrie different from the previous two visits?

2. How does Morrie gauge that he is really “living”?

3. What is Morrie’s latest aphorism?

4. Does Morrie believe that God exists?

5. What are some new words you focused on learning in this section?

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