To increase customer experience and awareness of what JCU has offered to the community in research, knowledge, and creativity, a Gallery that showcases this diverse the body of work in arts, engineering, information technology, medicine, and science over

To increase customer experience and awareness of what JCU has offered to the community in research, knowledge, and creativity, a Gallery that showcases this diverse the body of work in arts, engineering, information technology, medicine, and science over three floors have been built. In order to develop the best appreciation and public awareness of the unique wealth that JCU offers to the community as well as installing pride in being a member of the JCU, a launch of the gallery to the public and JCU fraternity is to herald and shout this in a festive event. A festive launch to shout the opening of this gallery and the plaza to the community and the world in a prestigious occasion that allows an occasion of boastful pride for the university, especially on our two years of success with global research recognition of JCU’s Tropical Institute at the Cairns Campus.
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To increase customer experience and awareness of what JCU has offered to the community in research, knowledge, and creativity, a Gallery that showcases this diverse the body of work in arts, engineering, information technology, medicine, and science over was first posted on June 7, 2020 at 9:09 am.
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