Throughout her book, Broussard articulates a strong position on the question: Are technologies neutral tools? Clearly explain her argument and provide at least two examples from the book to illustrate the point. Also explain whether or not Broussard would agree with Langdon Winner’s argument about the “politics of artifacts.”

Technology Analysis Essay: Are Technologies Neutral?
Due: October 25 at 11:59pm via Canvas.
Format: Approximately 4-7 pages long, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. Sub-headings are required. Academic citations in Chicago, MLA, or APA style are required.
Overview: This assignment explores and synthesizes theoretical debates around the politics of technology. Your goal is to write an academic literature review that responds to the four prompts below in a coherent fashion. Separate each prompt with clear sub-headings. Your source material consists of Broussard’s book, the articles/chapters we’ve read throughout the semester and the articles in the bibliography at the end of this document. All articles are accessible on Canvas.
Grading Rubric: A detailed rubric is attached. Use the rubric as you plan and write your essay. Hitting the marks of the rubric for each prompt is much more important than total length.
Prompt 1:
Throughout her book, Broussard articulates a strong position on the question: Are technologies neutral tools? Clearly explain her argument and provide at least two examples from the book to illustrate the point. Also explain whether or not Broussard would agree with Langdon Winner’s argument about the “politics of artifacts.”
Prompt 2:
Discuss what Broussard means by “technochauvinism” and provide at least one example from the book. Explain how the technochauvinist ideology intersects with the question of whether technologies are neutral tools (addressed in Prompt 1). You may also want to reference Broussard’s take on the history of computing and AI.
Prompt 3:
Explain the larger social implications of Broussard’s argument. For Broussard, why does it matter if technologies are understood as neutral or otherwise? What is at stake in debates about the politics of technology?
Prompt 4:
Ohio is one of nation’s early adopters in using automated systems to grade the results of its mandatory state tests. With help from an outside contractor, Ohio’s Department of Education uses automated systems to grade exams, including written essays, for students beginning in third grade through high school.
Using the materials in listed in the bibliography below, discuss how two or three arguments and concepts from this course help explain the debate around automated scoring of written essays. You may use Broussard only once. This requires thinking about what concepts are most appropriate. I am looking for creative and insightful application of course material, not comprehensive discussion of everything we have covered. When you use a concept, cite the author and put it in bold.
Finally, I am considering using a proprietary automated scoring system to grade your essay responses for this very project. In your last paragraph, explain whether you think this is a good or bad idea and persuade me to adopt your position.
Selected Bibliography on Automated Test Scoring
These articles are linked as PDFs on the Canvas assignment page.
Feathers, T. Flawed Algorithms Are Grading Millions of Students’ Essays. Motherboard. 8/20/19.
O’Donnell, P. Computers are now grading essays on Ohio’s state tests. Cleveland Plain Dealer. 3/19/18.
Smith, T. More States Opting To ‘Robo-Grade’ Student Essays By Computer. NPR. 6/30/18.
Ohio’s Machine-Scoring Process. Ohio Department of Education. 3/1/18.
Machine Scoring Questions and Answers. Ohio Department of Education. 3/1/18.
The post Throughout her book, Broussard articulates a strong position on the question: Are technologies neutral tools? Clearly explain her argument and provide at least two examples from the book to illustrate the point. Also explain whether or not Broussard would agree with Langdon Winner’s argument about the “politics of artifacts.” ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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The post Throughout her book, Broussard articulates a strong position on the question: Are technologies neutral tools? Clearly explain her argument and provide at least two examples from the book to illustrate the point. Also explain whether or not Broussard would agree with Langdon Winner’s argument about the “politics of artifacts.” appeared first on First Class Essay Writers.