this assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor this assessment is designed to assess following learning outcomes 2- Savvy Essay Writers |

this assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor this assessment is designed to assess following learning outcomes 2- Savvy Essay Writers |

Answer the questions based on a case study given below: Case Study 1 (Total 5 Marks) One of the IT Support experts have been interviewed to get knowledge about troubleshooting the printer installed in the workplace. By codifying and transferring this knowledge to the other staff members in the company will make it easy for them to troubleshoot the printer without the need of the IT Support person, at least in the early stages. After capturing the knowledge from the IT Support expert, the following report has been created: • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is flashing, and the printer is recognised by the computer then check for paper jam or ink. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is NOT flashing, and the printer is NOT recognised by the computer then check the computer-printer cable connection. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is not flashing then the technical support person should be called. To make this knowledge easy to use by the staff members it should be codified. a) Codify this knowledge by utilising decision table technique. (2.5 Marks) b) Convert the produced table into a decision tree. (2.5 Marks) MITS5505 Case Study Copyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 Case Study 2 (Total 10 Marks) a) A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of these individuals. How approach will be differing? What do you anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How would you select the best techniques considering these obstacles? (5 Marks) b) The same organization has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity strategy to ensure that knowledge is not only captured from key departing individuals but that this knowledge is coded and retained in organizational memory systems. Outline how you would develop and implement such a strategy. Describe the key techniques you would use and justify your selections. (5 Marks)

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