The Practice-based Research Paper / Group Proposal Paper designed to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to plan a group taking into account multiple structural, organizational, and design factors. Students will integrate lecture, readings and field experiences
The Practice-based Research Paper / Group Proposal Paper designed to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to plan a group taking into account multiple structural, organizational, and design factors. Students will integrate lecture, readings and field experiences in this assignment. Students will write an 8-10 page paper of how they will go about planning a group in an agency setting based on in class topic selection. Students will need to find current literature on the type of group being proposed, and review the literature, including any evaluation of this approach. The purpose of this assignment is to help students think through the planning involved in order to design an effective group. A minimum of 10 articles in the last 10 years (last 5 years preferable) from scholarly journals must be cited in APA style in the paper.
The Purpose of the Assignment: to propose a group intervention that addresses the needs of the population served by an agency
The assignment is comprised of three main sections
Agency Overview
The Group Proposal
Agency Overview:
Give a brief description of your proposed agency, its mission, population served, and services provided.
The Group Proposal: adapted from: Wayne, J. & Cohen, C.S. (2001). Group Work Education in the Field. Alexandria, Va.: Council on Social Work Education, 110-111.
1. Rationale for Group Model:
History of chosen model and theories supporting it
Strengths and challenges
Has it been employed in the field? Researched?
2. Agency/Social Context:
How might your agency, the community and/or macro level systems impact the formation and execution of your group? Politics? Culture? Policies?
3. Client Need(s):
What client needs indicate this particular type of group intervention?
4. Group Purpose:
Provide a clear statement of purpose for the group. Does the literature support a common purpose in similar groups?
5. Group Composition:
Delineate criteria for membership as well as leadership. How will agency policy/culture impact group composition?
6. Group Structure:
Details should include: place, time, duration, rules, norms, responsibilities, possible fees, ethical considerations, etc.?
7. Group Content:
How will the content of the group advance the group’s stated purpose?
8. Formation Strategy:
How will members be recruited and retained?
9. Evaluation and Research Strategy:
How will outcomes be measures appropriately? Will this be influenced by agency requirements, client expectations, and/or worker driven evaluation?
Provide the reader a summation of your findings. Briefly address potential barriers and offer recommendations for workers who may wish to implement your proposed group in the field.
Writing requirements:
In addition to the information requested above, also provide a references section.
The paper should be 8-10 pages in length, inclusive of references, tables, diagrams, etc.
Use 1” margins
Double spaced
Plain 12-point font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica)
Edit to be certain sentences are grammatically correct, and that the paper is free of punctuation errors and typos
All sourced information should be cited and referenced per APA standards
If information is unknown, please indicate this to be the case
10+ academic sources . All references must be cited in APA format in text and on a reference page
The paper must be submitted to the specified Turn It in DropBox and receive a score of Turn It In score of 20% or below. You must submit the paper to turn it in prior to the date due. In addition, a hard copy must be given to the instructor at the beginning of class on the date due with attached references. This assignment is 25% of your grade with a maximum score of 75 points.
DUE in DropBox on 10/26/2019
by the beginning of class.
The post The Practice-based Research Paper / Group Proposal Paper designed to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to plan a group taking into account multiple structural, organizational, and design factors. Students will integrate lecture, readings and field experiences ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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