The Dance of We: The Mindful Use of Love and Power in Human Systems

Read the following from your textbook The Dance of We: The Mindful Use of Love and Power in Human Systems:
1-Source in text paraphrase- Horowitz, M. (2014). The dance of we: the mindful use of love and power in human systems. Amherst, MA: Synthesis Center Press.
Chapter 4, “The Power of Systems Over People”
Chapter 7, “The Primacy of Values: Individual, System, and Spiritual”
Chapter 8, “Considering Both Self and System”(UPLOADED Part 1 CONCLUSION screenshots PDF).sorry only have Kindle version
Review Chapter 3 of your textbook Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life (UPLOADED full BOOK PDF)
respond to the following prompts:
Of the four problematic boundary categories mentioned in Chapter 3 of the Boundaries textbook (compliants, avoidants, controllers, and nonresponsives), which have you experienced most in systems you have been part of? Provide an example explaining how it affected the group.
Explain one strategy that would effectively correct or at least attempt to address your chosen boundary problem
The post The Dance of We: The Mindful Use of Love and Power in Human Systems ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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