Should adopted children have access to birth records

1)  Should adopted children have access to birth records?
2)  Should juvenile offenders who commit violent or heinous crimes be tried as adults?
3)  Should domestic violence against men receive the same attention as domestic violence against women?
4) Should the government provide free tuition for “responsible” students for the first year of community college and/or trade or technical college?
5) Should physicians be legally permitted to assist in a person’s suicide when a terminal diagnosis has been made?
6) Should prior sex offenders have the right to live wherever they wish?
7) Should schools adopt a zero tolerance policy regarding bullying incidents?
8) Should the United States provide healthcare for all citizens who cannot afford it?
9) Should animals be protected by the same laws that protect humans?
10) Should the use of torture by a government for acquiring information be allowed?
11) Should beauty pageants for underage girls be discontinued because they are exploitive?

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