Servant Leadership and World Values 

Servant Leadership and World Values

Servant Leadership and World Values


Think about Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership and what you have learned about the biblical foundation of servant leadership. Identify specific principles of servant leadership that, when employed effectively, can proliferate respect for multiculturalism and diversity within the organizations and communities they serve? Provide specific examples to illustrate your ideas.


Research an international servant leader or international servant leadership organization to examine the similarities and differences in the way servant leadership is executed in Western culture and Christianity when compared with other cultures and religions. Summarize the similarities and differences you discovered and discuss which principles of servant leadership you think are universal, regardless of religious and cultural differences. Provide examples to support your opinions.


Electronic Resource

1. Effective Leadership Within a Multinational Environment

Read “Effective Leadership Within a Multinational Environment,” by Rentfrow, located on the Leadership Advance Online website (2007).

e-Library Resource

1. Servant Leadership and World Values

Read “Servant Leadership and World Values,” by Rubio-Sanchez, Bosco, and Melchar, from Global Studies Journal (2013). 

                                                                Unit 7


In the Topic Materials you read several examples of ways that servant leadership can be displayed through true volunteerism and acts of service to others. Research an historic or current servant leader who is a true volunteer in service to others. In what ways does the person inspire leadership while building his or her own character and integrity? How does this leader exemplify the moral obligation to lead through kindness, compassion, and justice?


Share the servant leadership volunteer opportunity you are completing. Discuss how you think this experience will help you develop your own character and give you experience in leading through exhibiting kindness, compassion, and justice.


2. When Servant Becomes Leader: The Corazon C. Aquino Success Story as a Beacon for Business Leaders 

Read “When Servant Becomes Leader: The Corazon C. Aquino Success Story as a Beacon for Business Leaders,” by Udani and Lorenzo-Molo, from Journal of Business Ethics (2013). 

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