Research about brand – Alexander Wang

APA style, reference page and in text citation, title page and table of content Company/Store: Alexander Wang Department: Shoe
● Company(Alexander wang) profile: (Introduction/description of Alexander wang) ● Location Profile ● Customer profile:


○ Who is your customer? ○ Target Market ○ Demographics ○ Specific buying habits ○ Psychographics
● Competition and competitors ● Explain why you chose shoe business
○ What is currently happening in shoe business ○ Describe key trends ○ Is it growing business category ○ Discuss major brands ○ SWOT Analysis (Alexander Wang shoes)
● Financials ● Advertising and promotional plans
○ Determine the promotional strategy you will use to promote your business ○ What is your pricing and promotional message? ○ What types of media will you use? ○ What style of advertising will be most effective? ○ Explain the timeframe for your promotions based on when your


assortment will be in stores ○ Show examples – Be creative
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