Reflection Astronomy


Over the past five weeks, you have use the Stellarium planetarium software to plan an observation, examine a number of celestial objects, and test astronomical hypotheses for yourself. In a 1-2 page length paper in APA format, please reflect on the past work you have done and answer the following questions:

  • How did the previous laboratory exercises help you to understand the scientific method and how astronomy uses observations to test hypotheses and theories?
  • Which of the five activities did you find to be the most interesting or educational?
  • Did you find the Stellarium program easy or difficult to use? What would you recommend to the programmer of Stellarium to make any changes or add any additional features?
  • If you had to use Stellarium to devise your own new laboratory exercise, what aspect of the program would you use? What astronomical objects would you focus on?

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Reflection Astronomy was first posted on February 10, 2020 at 3:37 pm.
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