Provide a summary and conclusion of the assignment, which will include both theoretical and practice issues
Implication of the leadership style of a role model in practice
The student nursing field is mental health. The work should reflect leadership theories and relating it to mental health nursing practice. please find attached the guide and teaching notes which includes the thought theories to be used in the work, learning outcomes, aims and other resources provided to be used for the work.
Consolidating Mental Health Nursing – Assessment Guidelines for level 6
Essential Reading
Barker PJ (ed) (3rd ed) 2013 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The craft of caring Hodder Arnold
Tischler, Victoria (ed) 2010 Mental Health, Psychiatry and the Arts Radcliffe Publishing Ltd 978-84619- 3736
Bentall, R 2009 Doctoring the Mind: Why Psychiatric Treatments Fail Penguin Group Ltd 978-0-713-99889-4
Callaghan, P (ed) et al 2009 Mental Health Nursing Skills Oxford University Press 0199534449
Marks, D.F et al (3rd ed) 2011 Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice SAGE Publications 978-1-848606210
Appelrouth, S and Desfor Edles, L (2nd ed) 2011 Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era SAGE Publications 978-1-4129-9761-5
Judy MCkimm and Kay Phillips (ed) 2009 Leadership and Management in Integrated Services Learning Matters Ltd 978 1 844452040
Baughan, J and Smith, A. (2nd Ed) 2013 Compassion, Caring and Communication: Skills for Nursing Practice Routledge 13:978-0-273-76944
Norman, I and Ryrie, I (3rd ed) 2013 The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing: A textbook of Principles and Practice Open University Press 13:978-0-33-524561-1 Stacey, G, Felton, A, Bonham, P 2012 Placement Learning in Mental Health Practice: A guide for students in practice Bailliere
Tindall 978-0-7020-4303-1
Walker, S, Carpenter,D Middlewick,Y 2013 Assessment and Decision Making in Mental Health Nursing (Transforming Nursing Practice Series) SAGE Publications 0-978-1-44626-820-9 Ben Kesey 2003 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Penguin Books 01411.81222
Nathan Filer 2014 The Shock of the Fall Harper Collins Publishers 978 0 00 7491 45 2
Helen Aveyard (3rd ed) 2014 Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care: A Practical Guide Open University Press 978-0-33-526307-3
INTRODUCTION – a small section
Introductory section “sets out” for the remainder of the assignment “say what you’re going to say”
Brief background that explains how you chose the role model and his/her role and leadership style in practice. Give the context of the leadership style and comment on its relevance. Refer to published research & literature
Very brief background of chosen individual i.e. why you have chosen this person to be your role model (their attributes, strengths etc) including a brief description of what a role model is, backed up with a few references Since this is descriptive, it should not take up valuable space needed for analysis and criticism. Remember to adhere to confidentiality, your responsibility as a healthcare professional and the NMC Code (2015).
Sound research based rationale why effective leadership is required for healthcare/mental health/the NHS You must provide a sound rationale for identifying the leadership style that you wish to examine. Your rationale must be based on published research & literature. Please see ‘leadership’ resources provided
Very brief overview of presenting difficulties/dilemmas with demonstrating leadership in practice see above
BODY OF THE TEXT – the largest section which addresses all aspects of the assessment specification as follows:
Identify a role model in practice
Paint a picture to the reader by providing the context whereby leadership in practice plays out in terms of its effect on the ward/unit/community environment both for the service users, staff/team/relatives. Remember that every word is important – don’t waste them on mere descriptions – always make academic points – perhaps by comparing your own experience with published research & literature.
Investigate contemporary leadership theory skills of the identified role model. Use appropriate research and literature to aid your discussion and critical analysis- give examples and comparisons
Critically analyse the evidence-base presented This part should provide you with opportunities to discuss your evaluation of the various leadership theories. Again, refer to published research/literature.
Critically reflect upon the leadership style of the role model identified and the implications to future practice
This section should demonstrate your ability to accurately use a model of critical and analytical reflection. See leadership handbook for relevant examples and other sources.
You MUST demonstrate critical reflective practice
Provide a summary and conclusion of the assignment, which will include both theoretical and practice issues This should demonstrate that you can concisely state key points – an important academic virtue. Draw together the ideas and evidence presented in the body of the essay so as to answer the basic question you posed in the introduction. Summarise the most important aspects of the material you presented and draw some obvious conclusions.
Before submitting your assignment ENSURE that your references are accurate. Not doing so is the easiest way to lose valuable marks. Please refer to Harvard Referencing System
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