please re do the employment packet project i failed the first attempt- Savvy Essay Writers |

please re do the employment packet project i failed the first attempt- Savvy Essay Writers |

My professor gave me only a 40% on our biggest assignment of the year. Luckily she is letting me edit it for a better grade. Please read her comments and see her suggestions in the documents attached.

Please re-do the assignment and follow all of the professor’s advice in the attached document.

This assignment needs MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS and the professor has many criticisms about the current document.

Professors comments:

“I reviewed your submission, and I admit I am disturbed by the quality of writing and the lack of the organization I found.

The Employment Packet counts for almost 50 % of your final grade and is a major part of your portfolio. Student portfolios are reviewed by a team of professors before final grades are posted.

I am reading each Employment package and providing comments that you should use to produce Draft 2 you can be proud of and that can be viewed by a potential employer. You never know who reads your work, so take this assignment seriously and give it the appropriate time and effort.”

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