please complete your individual written assignment focused on a specific part of the business model canvas for your project company company is ausair 1- Savvy Essay Writers |

please complete your individual written assignment focused on a specific part of the business model canvas for your project company company is ausair 1- Savvy Essay Writers |

remember the whole project is about the question “customer relationship with China”!

Company is AusAir

Minimum 1800 words based on the attached instructions. APA format

Remember that you are assessed on:
– Analysis
– Critical reasoning/critical thinking
– Originality
– Data/information gathering/processing
– Clarity of expression (including accuracy, spelling, grammar)


1) Title

2) Executive summary – succinct summary of the challenge and findings (max 150 words)

3) Introduction and background to business challenge and the individual BMC task/s, including purpose, why it matters and scope

4) Design and methodology – key sources (e.g. market reports, company websites, etc.) used to collect relevant information and their limitations

5) Data analysis and findings – describes the analysis conducted and the results/findings of the analysis; clearly states any assumptions made; can include graphics to help illustrate

6) Discussion and recommendations – explains what the findings mean and conclusions about them; any preliminary recommendations should be derived from the analysis and must be practical, actionable and specific

7) Reference list – to be formatted using the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition referencing style

8) Appendices (if appropriate) – may include charts, tables, supporting information

IBUS5002: Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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