Philosophy paprer

be interesting and non-trivial. 

Plan for the paper: Here you should simply summarize how you plan on arguing for your thesis statement. 

Background for the thesis: explain what your thesis means (which includes defining terms and clarifying concepts), what its implications are, why the issue is so important, etc.

Argument supporting the thesis: you should devote a paragraph to each premise of your argument, explaining the premise and showing what role it plays in your argument. (Keep in mind: some premises may be so obvious that they do not require support. If your reader is likely to question a premise, then you should back your premise up). 

Assessment of objections: make a sincere effort to take into account at least one objection or doubt that a reader might be likely to have about your argument. You should aim to respond to the objection in a satisfactory way. If you discover that you cannot respond to the objection, then you may need to abandon your thesis altogether. 

Conclusion: briefly summarize what you have done in the pap

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Philosophy paprer was first posted on February 9, 2020 at 2:55 am.
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