Opening Doors: hosbitality

Opening Doors: Pair up with another student in class for this assignment. Together you will each:
1) Invite 3 groups or individuals you consider others, or who consider you an ‘other’, to sit with you for a 10 to 15-minute interview or conversation. You and your partner will have an opportunity to each be an interviewer and an observer. There will be a total of 6 interviews. The interview questions will be decided in class. As an observer please take notes and reflect on what you learned about hospitality and what you learned about the meaning of other. As an interviewer please take notes and reflect on what you learned from the experience about the other, yourself, and hospitality. Taking a selfie with everyone involved is highly recommended and please sure to ask the permission of the other being interviewed. Be prepared to share the experience with the class. You will be graded on completion of the interviews, overall interview skills, your presentations in class, and completion of the portfolio. Due: TBD. (200 points. 20%)
The post Opening Doors: hosbitality ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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