nutritional assessment interview- Savvy Essay Writers |

nutritional assessment interview- Savvy Essay Writers |

This is designed to pull together and apply what we have learned this semester. This will require a substantial amount of preparation. Please be professional in conducting your first one-on-one Nutritional assessment.Follow the instructions that begin on pg 135 in Nutritional Counseling text titles “Assignment-Nutritional Assessment” and prepare according the the instructions. You will need to find a volunteer for this practice assessment. If you do not have someone in your household who is willing to be a participant, you may schedule a FaceTime, Zoom, or other audio/visual two-way communications platform interview (this cannot be done via text, email or social media without audio and visual capabilities). You will complete the report as described in Part II (pg 137). This will be graded based on the 8 requirements of your report.

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