Nursing Workforce Case Assignment

Nursing Workforce Case Assignment

Nursing Workforce Case Assignment

Nursing Workforce Case Assignment


HHS will provide up to $10,000/year to master’s recipients and $20,000/year to those who earn a doctorate so long as these individuals spend at least 4 years out of a 6 year period as a full-time faculty member at an accredited nursing school. Section 5312 Authorization of appropriations for parts B through D of title VIII— Authorizes $338 million in appropriations to carry out nursing workforce development programs in FY 2010. FY 2011-2016 will be funded according to what HHS determines as “such sums as may be necessary” to carry out these programs. Section 5404 Workforce diversity grants—Expands the workforce diversity grant programs by permitting such grants to be used for diploma and associate degree nurses to enter bridge or degree completion programs or for student scholarships and stipend programs for accelerated nursing degree programs, This statute instructs HHS to consider recommendations from the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice and to consult with nursing associations. Section 5507 Demonstration projects to address health professions workforce needs; extension of family-to-family health information centers—Establishes a demonstration grant program to provide educational and training opportunities for low-income individuals for positions in the healthcare field that pay well and are expected to be in high demand. Program will primarily serve State TANF recipients, but HHS required to award at least 3 demonstration grants to eligible entities that are Indian Tribes, tribal organizations or Tribal colleges and Universities. Section 5509 Graduate nurse education demonstration—Appropriates $50 million/year FY 2012 thru FY 2015 to establish a graduate nurse education demonstration program in Medicare. Hospitals selected will be reimbursed for educational and clinical instruction costs attributed to training advanced practice nurses to provide primary/preventive care, translational care, chronic care management, as well as any other nursing services appropriate for the Medicare eligible population. Those hospitals selected will partner with community based care settings and accredited nursing schools to undertake the demonstration program and will reimburse partners for their share of costs. Section 10501—Permits faculty at public health schools that offer PA education programs to obtain faculty loan repayment under the workforce diversity program. Also makes other improvements to the NHSC program, such as a provision to increase the loan repayment amount,  allowing half-time service and permitting teaching to count for as much as 20% of the service commitment to the NHSC. Pilot and Incentive Payment Program Provisions: In addition to policies aimed at increasing the number of nurses, policy makers also sought to more closely integrate nursing into new payment pilot programs that would offer incentives to primary and chronic care managements as well as provide alternatives to the current fee-forservice programs.

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