NUR2115- Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Assignments
NUR2115- Fundamentals of Professional Nursing
All Modules
- Review various nursing diagnoses related to specific patient problems discussed in Fundamentals
- Roughly 60% of the final exam will be cumulative over mod 1-7
Module 1-3 Concepts:
- Importance of documentation of assessments & interventions
- Types of nonverbal behavior which could promote improved communication
- The importance of QSEN competencies in nursing education
- What is a sentinel event?
- What is the main purpose for incident reporting?
- Examples of health promotion activities for primary, secondary and tertiary
- ISBARR, DARE, SOAPIEnotes for team communication
- Review teaching for a patient with modifiable health risk factors
- Age related safety concerns across the lifespan
- 6 Dimensions of wellness definitions
- Know the importance of basing our care plan on nursing theory
- HP 2020 Goals
- Developmental theories: focus on Erickson’s
- EBP- what information to trust for best practices- ANA, CDC, US Dept of Health, National Institute of Health (NIH).
- No .com sites for professional nursing. No blogs should be used as a reference-.
- OK to use most .org .edu or .gov sites.
- I.C.O. statements
- ANA Scope of Practice
- ANA Standards of Professional Performance- definitions (mod 1)
- Review education on crutch, cane, walkerambulation
- Review-safety precautions when repositioning patient in bed
- Review nursing interventions which would be included in caring for a patient with contractures
- Review the difference between active and passive range of motion
Vital Signs:
- Review the assessment of all vital signs including BP, HR, respirations, temperature and pulse ox.
- Think about how you would handle VS outside of range for each VS and Spo2
- What trends in VS are worrisome and how should the RN respond?
- Review normal values for VS: BP, HR, respirations, temperature and pulse ox across the lifespan
- When may it be inappropriate to delegate VS?
Module 4-7:
- Review definitions of the nursing process including:
- Assessment
- nursing diagnoses
- Planning
- Outcomes
- interventions
- evaluation
When you obtain your assessment data, what is the next step in the process?
After establishing goals, what is the next step?
After implementing a new teaching plan, what is the next step (using the nursing process?)
In order to create a nursing diagnosis, what details do you reference?: A. the medical diagnosis or B. the Nursing assessment?
When prioritizing the nursing diagnoses, what goes first, your actual diagnoses or the “risk for” diagnoses.
- Review various lab data and normal values: BUN, electrolytes, CBC, blood glucose
- Review the common adventitious lungs sounds (wheezes, pleural friction rub, rhonchi, crackles and stridor) and what specific conditions you would auscultate them (COPD, pneumonia, asthma, CHF)
- Review-respiratory terminology: dyspnea, cyanosis, tachypnea, bradypnea, apnea in beginning of Chap 38
- Review the ACUTE and Chronic effects of hypoxia on the respiratory system and the rest of the body.
- Review-the anatomical locations for auscultation of cardiac and respiratory systems (aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid and mitral)
- Review how to determine types of pitting edema: 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+
- Review interventions to decrease risks for pulmonary embolism
- Review-grading of pulses: bounding, normal, diminished, absent
Infection/ Inflammation/ Thermoregulation:
- Review the difference between inflammation and infection
- Review the effects of excessive or ineffective inflammatory response which could occur in a patient
- Review-the purpose/benefits of the inflammatory process including fever benefits
- Review infection terms: opportunistic, virulence, phagocytosis, hospital-acquired, nosocomial, immunocompromised
- Review-the chain of infection: infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, portal of entry, susceptible host, mode of transmission
- Review stages of infection: incubation period, prodromal stage, full stage of illness, convalescent period
- Review-types of nosocomial and hospital acquired infections (HAI’s)
- Review rationale of proper hand hygiene
- Review terminology: bacteremia nur 2115 final exam
- Review-signs and symptoms of infection
- Review the difference between endogenous nosocomial and exogenous nosocomial infection
(Mod 7) Integumentary and Tissue Integrity:
- Review the stages of pressure ulcers including I, II, II and VI ulcers as well as unstageable and suspected deep tissue injury
- Review integumentary changes in various developmental ages
- Review-the importance of nutrition and wound healing
- Review the following precautions: protective, droplet, airborne, contact, standard, isolation, airborne
- Review the difference between a wound evisceration, dehiscence, fistula, hemorrhage.
- Review-the use and advantages of negative pressure wound therapy (wound vac)
- Review process of healing: primary, secondary, tertiary
- Review the use and rationale of the Braden scale
- Review-the difference between acute and chronic wounds
- Review the effect of shearing force and friction on skin integrity
40% of exam will be on the following sections:
Glucose Regulation:
- Review patient education a nurse would include in self administration of insulin
- Review-the normal lab values for fasting blood glucose and A1C
- Review risk factors and complications of diabetes
- Review-treatment modalities for diabetes
- Review treatment for hypoglycemia
- Review-education and teaching on foot care of a diabetic patient
- Review the complete assessment of the GI system including inspection, auscultation, palpation and percussion
- Review conditions of diarrhea and constipation and precipitating factors of each
- Review-the components in a focused GI assessment
- Review risks and treatments for constipation& diarrhea
- Review effects of immobility on the GI system
- Review-the risk factors which increase irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Review diagnostic colon cancer screening nur 2115 final exam
- Review-teaching regarding a patient undergoing a colonoscopy
- Review education and teaching regarding ostomy care
- Review side effects of diarrhea& constipation
- Discuss the interrelationship between GI system disorders and antibiotics
- Review the components of performing a GU assess
- Review s/s of UTI, risks for developing UTI and treatments
- Review-the effects of immobility on the GU system
- Review the GU terminology: micturition, oliguria, dysuria, retention, urgency
- Review nursing care for urinary incontinence nur 2115 final exam
- Review-the process of obtaining a 24-hour urine collection
- Review the collection of a midstream urine specimen
Pain/Stress & Adaptation:
- Review the effects that severe/uncontrolled pain has on VS
- Review the types of pain: chronic, acute, intractable, neuropathic, radiating, phantom, referred psychogenic
- Review-which pain management tasks can be delegated to nursing assistant
- Review alternative techniques of pain management: hypnosis, distraction, guided imagery, massage, reiki, music, aromatherapy
- Review risks of inadequate pain management
- Review-care planning and prioritization of pain control
- Describe the body’s stress response
- What are the physiological effects of prolonged stress on the body?
- Describe sleep deprivation and establishing a care plan around sleep
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