
Imagine that you are a reporter who is writing a biographical article about Phoenix in Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path.” You are writing about Phoenix when she is a young woman raising her children. Write a 600 word (two-page) account, or biography, of Phoenix’s life of a young woman. What experiences did she have? What events shaped her? What is she doing? What kind person is she? Using the information in Eudora Welty’s story as a basis, create the character of Phoenix as a young woman. As you think about this project, you may want to consider Phoenix’s beliefs, family, and way of speaking. Be creative!

Part B will be worth fifty points. Your grade will be based on the following criteria:

Project Grading Table (Teacher Use Only)

Points Possible

Points Earned

Does your reader get a clear idea of what Phoenix is like as a young woman?


Do you relate your character to the events in “A Worn Path” in some way?


Do you make some mention of the influence of religion and children on Phoenix?


Do you use complete sentences and correct punctuation?


Is your essay free of spelling and grammatical errors?


This needs to be a biography starting for example Phoenix jackson was born before the civil was in 1854…( you may invent some aspects but always going along with the story…please do good work)