Jesus: Great High Priest And Sacrifice

In approaching this assignment you should:

  1. Read Leviticus 16:1-34 and Zechariah 3:1-10. Reflect on the relationship between the life and ministry of Jesus and the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament.
  2. Review chapter 12 of the Lunde textbook (“Life in Covenant with God”) and chapter 7 of the Keller book (“Inside-Out Cleansing”).

Keller, T. (2013). Jesus the King: understanding the life and death of the Son of God. New York, N.Y: Riverhead Books.

Lunde, J. (2010). Following Jesus, the servant king: a biblical theology of covenantal discipleship. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan.


  • Write an initial post in which you select one paragraph from Leviticus 16 or Zechariah 3 and describe how Jesus brings to ultimate fulfillment this Old Testament passage.
    • Make initial post
    • 250-300 words

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