investor presentation- Savvy Essay Writers |

investor presentation- Savvy Essay Writers |

Twelve PowerPoint Slides to Include in an Investor Presentation Topic Explanation

1. Title slide – lntroduce the presentation with your company’s name, the names of the founders, and the company logo if available

2. Problem – Briefly state the problem to be solved or the need to be filled

3. Solution – Explain how your firm will solve the problem or how it will satisfy the need to be filled.

4. Opportunity and target market – Articulate your specific target market. Talk about business and environmental trends that are providing your target market momentum.

5. Technology – This slide is optional but is normally included. Talk about your technology or any unusual aspects of your product or service. Don’t talk in an overly technical manner. Make your descriptions easy to understand and interesting

6. Competition – Explain specifically the firm’s competitive advantage in the marketplace and how it will compete against more established competitors.

7. Marketing and sales – Describe your overall marketing strategy. Talk about your sales process. lf you’ve conducted primary research regarding how people feel about your product, report the results here.

8. Management team – Describe your existing management team. Explain how the team came together and how their backgrounds and expertise are keys to the success of your firm. lf you have a board of advisors or board of directors, briefly mention the key. individuals involved. If you have gaps in your team, explain how and when they will be filled.

9. Financial projections – Briefly discuss the financials. Stress when the firm will achieve profitability, how much capital lt will take to get there, and when its cash flow will break even. Use additional slides if needed to properly display your information, but don’t go overboard.

10. Current status – Describe the current status of your firm in the context of the milestones you’ve achieved to date. Don’t diminish the value of your accomplishments.

11. Financing sought – Lay out specifically how much financing you’re seeking and how you’ll use the money.

12. Summary – Bring the presentation to a close. Summarize the strongest points of your venture and your team. Solicit feedback from your audience.

Business Plan Outline

Cover Page

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. lndustry Analysis

lndustry Size, Growth Rate, and Sales projections

lndustry Structure

Nature of Participants

Key Success Factors

Industry. Trends

Long-Term Prospects

3. Company Description

Company History

Mission Statement

Products and Services

Current Status

Legal Status and Ownership

Key Partnerships (if any)

4. Market Analysis

Market Segmentation and Target Market Selection

Buyer Behavior

Competitor Analysis

Estimates of Annual Sales and Market Share

5. The Economics of the Business

Revenue Drivers and Profit Margins

Fixed and Variable Costs

Operating Leverage and lts implications

Start-up Costs

Break-Even Chart and Calculation

6. Marketing Plan

Overall Marketing Strategy

Product, Price, Promotions, and Distribution

, Sales Process (or Cycle)

Sales Tactics

7. Design and Development Plan

Development Status and Tasks

Challenges and Risks

Projected Development Costs

Proprietary lssues (Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights,

Licenses, Brand Names)

8. Operations Plan

General Approach to Operations

Business Location

Facilities and Equipment

9. Management Team and Company Structure

Management Team (lncluding a Skills Profile)

Board of Directors

Board of Advisors

Company Structure

10. Overall Schedule

11. Financial Projections

Sources and Uses of Funds Statement

Assumptions Sheet

Pro Forma Income Statements

Pro Forma Balance Sheets

Pro Forma Cash Flows

Ratio Analysis


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