how has the past helped to shape the future we see today? • Use an economic lens to explain the progress and demonstrate with economic graphs, terms and theories Assignment Overview Current events are opportunities to see economics in practice
I think you need follow the learning objectives, assignment overview, grading rubric and my note. Learning Objectives • Read current event news articles published in the last 6 months • Choose current events as related to U.S. History in colonial times • Identify modern day innovations, changes to markets, use of money and policy • Link your modern day finding to a past event discussed in class or found in Ch 7-17 of the textbook • Answer the question – how has the past helped to shape the future we see today? • Use an economic lens to explain the progress and demonstrate with economic graphs, terms and theories Assignment Overview Current events are opportunities to see economics in practice. This assignment provides the chance to connect economic theory to the real world and write about your findings. Use economic history discussed in class and in the textbook to show the progress made in today’s markets. You can choose to work individually, or work in groups of two students. You (your group) are required to find a substantial article from Wall Street Journal. You must email Elaine by October 1 with your group members otherwise you will work individually. 1. Once you find the WSJ appropriate article, you are to summarize the article in several paragraphs. 2. Please provide the article’s complete citation and URL. 3. Then look for the areas where you see the connection between economic history and how markets have evolved. a. For example, you may have an article where you see a town in the United States taking actions to barter instead of using U.S. dollars. Explain what you see happening and then walk through how barter was a main way of doing business. Discuss the benefits and problems such as double coincidence of wants and difficulty determining each item’s value. 4. Use graphs or tables to help illustrate the economic principles 5. Conclude by explaining why you chose this article. The review should be 2-3 pages single spaced and use APA format This assignment will be graded based on the criteria provided in the grading rubric below. Summary is complete Two paragraphs devoted One paragraph Less than one paragraph (20%) to summarize the article summary summary Criteria Above Average Average Below Average Interesting article related to course (20%) Clearly relates to course, good, credible source Article lacked depth or source credibility Article is off topic and does not relate to course material or not a credible source Strategic tools are correct analysis (20%) Correct application of tools to assess article Error in assessing or tool choice Errors in two or three of the tools used for analysis Use of graphs/tables to illustrate (20%) Correct graphs used to illustrate 2+ Error in calculating a graph/table Errors in calculating numerous graphs/tables Grammar and writing style (20%) Grammar and writing are business appropriate Several errors in grammar or casual writing style Multiple errors in grammar, spelling and casual writing
The post how has the past helped to shape the future we see today? • Use an economic lens to explain the progress and demonstrate with economic graphs, terms and theories Assignment Overview Current events are opportunities to see economics in practice ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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The post how has the past helped to shape the future we see today? • Use an economic lens to explain the progress and demonstrate with economic graphs, terms and theories Assignment Overview Current events are opportunities to see economics in practice appeared first on First Class Essay Writers.