how and why the environment has become the basis of a conflict or disagreement; who are the key political actors involved; and what are the key issues and views that divide these actors

(1) Based on the documentary, “The Golf War” ( explain how the environment is political. You must rely on this YouTube video/documentary to answer this question. While not required, you are encouraged to also draw on other sources (academic or news sources) but be sure to cite all of them. In answering this question, consider how and why the environment has become the basis of a conflict or disagreement; who are the key political actors involved; and what are the key issues and views that divide these actors.
(2) Carry out a “Concept Map” of the Heather Goodall “Indigenous Peoples, Colonialism, and Memories of Environmental Injustice” reading (see Sept. 25 required reading on p. 7 below). A Concept Map is a visual representation of key ideas and arguments. In this case, you should: (i) summarize the author’s main arguments; (ii) visually represent these key ideas (2-3 drawings); and (iii) explain how your drawings (including the shapes and colours you use) represent these arguments. You can paint/draw by hand or by using a software program. No photos allowed; and you cannot cut and paste other peoples’ drawings/images; the idea here is to get you to visually represent what you understand to be the main ideas, based on your analysis of the text.
This paper must be in essay form, with an introduction, middle argument-development section, and conclusion. Clarity, proper citation/referencing, good writing style, grammar, and spelling all count. You must also draw on the lectures, required readings, tutorial materials and videos (the more of these you draw on, the better, but cite all of them when you do). Be sure to acknowledge all your sources, and employ an established academic referencing system (you can use footnotes, endnotes or in-text references, but be consistent). Plagiarism (passing someone else’s words, ideas and/or arguments off as your own) is a very serious offence and students must apprise themselves of FES/York’s Senate Policy on Academic Honesty (see the end of this syllabus for details). Late papers will be subject to a penalty (see the end of the syllabus for details).
This paper must be in hard copy, word-processed, double-spaced. Length: (i) for Essay 1, 1,500 words (approx. 6 written pages, double-spaced, 12cpi font); (ii) for Essay 2, 750 words (approx. 3 pages, double-spaced, 12 cpi font), plus 2-3 drawings. Provide a word count at the beginning of the essay.
The post how and why the environment has become the basis of a conflict or disagreement; who are the key political actors involved; and what are the key issues and views that divide these actors ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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