final discussion wrap up 1- Savvy Essay Writers |

final discussion wrap up 1- Savvy Essay Writers |

*Write 300 words at least for discussion, and reply to 3 people with at least 150 words each(you will reply to the 3 paragraphs I put at the end of the instructions*

Hi All,

This is your last discussion post. Feel free to enter final thoughts on the content of the class, or as usual a post about the news or the readings

More food for thought…this discussion is based on what you’d like to talk about, however, if interested, I found some interesting articles regarding some very important historical, and current events –

First, in August of 1619, soon after the founding of Jamestown, the first slave ship from Africa, arrived in the American colonies, and shaped the trajectory of this country in every way conceivable: (Links to an external site.)

to Segregation: (Links to an external site.)

I thought this was a fascinating look at America’s history, reframing the history we’ve learned in school. There are many other articles and essays related to this project, and it’s a poignant look of one of darkest parts of our history.

Here is one on violence against women and the migration crisis: (Links to an external site.)

And lastly, here are a set of articles I’ll share related to our current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic:

Women leaders are doing a disproportionately great job at handling the pandemic. So why aren’t there more of them? (Links to an external site.)

What Will the Pandemic Mean for Women? (Links to an external site.)

The Risks of Being A Woman During the Pandemic (Links to an external site.)

You’re free to comment on these as you’d like….

1. It is sad to recognize that women are having to go back to the roles that existed for women in the 1950’s. We were starting to think that times and rights were changing and that women were able to get as equal as men. However, this pandemic has brought us all the way back making women go back to being the cleaners, the cooks, and the carers. Also, since men are working from home or not working at all, women are expected to care for them too and do everything for them. On top of that, they are expected to do everything else in the house as well for the children.

However, it is not all bad because men are also realizing that they are not doing much for their families so they are most likely to go out grocery shopping for the family to be able to provide something. It is not good to think that all men are making their wife or partner do everything in the house because many do like to help and support the women with things as well.

Overall, this class has taught me many things that were interesting to look back on and write about. I learned lots of things in this class and am very grateful for all the topics we got to discuss about because it expanded my knowledge on many subjects.

What will the pandemic mean for women? (Links to an external site.)

2. The article “What Will the Pandemic Mean for Women?” really hit home to me since I am a mother. In the article, it states how most women’s income will fall and are the ones doing most of the domestic work around the house. Ever since the coronavirus pandemic started, my income went drastically low, and I have been struggling to try to help my kids with their schoolwork while I am doing my own. Not to mention figuring out what I am going to make them for lunch and dinner every day. I also try to think of ways to entertain them without electronics, and sometimes it can get a little crazy. With my kids home from school, I have had a hard time figuring out how to get to work. I am a single mom, and unfortunately, I can not depend on my child’s father, so that leaves me to deal with this all on my own. The babysitter that usually helps me out with my children was in Colombia for the winter, and she can’t come back to the U.S. until the virus subsides since she is older. All of these factors made me have to stop working for now, and it has been a significant struggle for me to receive income. I am blessed to have the support of my mother during this time, but I can’t help but think of the families and mothers that don’t have someone else to rely on.

3. I enjoyed this selection and considering “The Risks of Being A Woman During the Pandemic” The pandemic moment has many considering social reproduction and reorganization within the United States. Some people more vulnerable than others during economic crisis over decades significant parts she work of food industry preparation had fresher food at lower prices. Food service is a stratified sector but it includes many low-wage workers who have now lost their jobs. How while those still working at places providing takeout continue to serve when they themselves have empty belly. Professional class couples in the United States are dealing with the tasks of social reproduction. It is encouraged to outsource your work to poorer women instead of power companies this may begin to help.

This class has been monumental for me. I have learned to exhibit myself as a women, yet to present myself as a Queen.

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