Experiment to Test the Hypothesis

Experiment to Test the Hypothesis

Experiment to Test the Hypothesis

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Total: 0.70

Distinguished – Thoroughly describes an experiment to test the hypothesis developed in Question 3, including clear and accurate identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and control group.

Proficient – Describes an experiment to the  test developed in Question 3, including identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and control group. Although the response is thorough, minor details of methodology are missing or inaccurate.

Basic – Describes an experiment to  the developed in Question 3, including identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and control group. Intermediate details of methodology are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations – Describes an experiment to developed in Question 3, but may not include an identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and/or control group. Major details of methodology are missing or inaccurate.

Non-Performance – Fails to describe an experiment to test the hypothesis developed in Question 3.

Question 5: Selects the Type of Graph That Would Be Appropriate for Displaying the Data and Explains the Selection

Total: 0.70

Distinguished – Accurately selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and thoroughly explains why this graph is appropriate.

Proficient – Selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and explains why this graph is appropriate. Selection of the graph is accurate, but minor details of the explanation are missing or inaccurate.

Basic – Selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and explains why this graph is appropriate. Selection of the graph is accurate, but intermediate details of the explanation are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations – Selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and explains why this graph is appropriate. Selection of the graph is inaccurate and/or major inaccuracies are present in the explanation.

Non-Performance – Fails to explain type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data.

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