Earned-Value Analysis. A Project Budget Calls For The Following Expenditures:


Define each term in your own words, calculate these values for the above project, and show your work:

  1. Budgeted cost baseline (make a graph illustrating this one)
  2. Budget at completion (BAC)
  3. Planned value (PV) as of May 1
  4. Earned value (EV) as of May 1 if the foundation work is only two-thirds complete. Everything else is on schedule.
  5. SV as of May 1.
  6. Actual cost as of May 1 is $160,000. Calculate the cost variance (CV) as of May 1.
  7. Schedule performance index (SPI)
  8. Cost performance index (CPI)
  9. Estimate to complete (ETC), assuming that the previous cost variances will not affect future costs
  10. Estimate at completion (EAC)

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The post Earned-Value Analysis. A Project Budget Calls For The Following Expenditures: appeared first on Essay Writers.

Earned-Value Analysis. A Project Budget Calls For The Following Expenditures: was first posted on February 10, 2020 at 12:09 am.
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