Discussion: Implementation Plan and Evaluation

Discussion: Implementation Plan and Evaluation

Discussion: Implementation Plan and Evaluation

Discussion: Implementation Plan and Evaluation

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Week 9 Project Submit EBP project with Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan. Note EBP plan should resemble plan on page 248 of the Melnyx text.

An evaluation plan will:

  • Identify the purpose, users, resources and timelines of the evaluation
  • Select the key evaluation questions and indicators and the best design to measure intended results
  • Sequence evaluation activities (such as completing baseline documentation, conducting participant follow-ups, materials pre-tests, project reviews and special studies)
  • Prepare data collection and data analysis plans, including cost as well as results or program data
  • Plan for communication, dissemination and use of evaluation results
  • Identify the technical competencies needed on the evaluation team(s).
  • This step includes:
    • Gathering and organizing data in a systematic way to reduce sources of bias and increase validity
    • Discerning patterns, trends and comparisons from qualitative and quantitative data
    • Linking cost and results data to have a retrospective Cost and Results Analysis (CRA)
    • Involving client and stakeholders in interpreting data
    • Employing standards to arrive at conclusions.

    For the evaluation of effects, the evaluation team will typically conduct a data-gathering exercise similar to the collection of baseline data to describe actual performance. The consistency of sampling tools and indicators will help contrast the levels of performance before and after the interventions and determine whether there have been demonstrable changes. If the evaluation design uses a control group, the team will compare changes in the intervention group with changes (if any) in the control group to arrive at net effects (i.e., changes in the intervention group minus changes in the control group over a similar period of time).


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