Character Analysis

Character Analysis
Below are the requirements for the character analysis paper.
Be sure to address all the guide lines provided and to use APA formatting. There is a three-page minimum for this paper (not including cover sheet or reference page) – approximately 850-1000 words. If needed, you can exceed the wordcount, but only do so if you feel it is necessary for the paper.


The paper must contain the following:

A narrative summarizing the problems of the character (or his/her primary complaints).
A history of the character’s education, family, work, and behavior problems, etc.
The character’s living arrangements, social contacts and state of his/her relationship with family and close friends.
A discussion and history of the character’s diagnostic issues using the definitions of disorders provided by your textbook. Use it as a guide to outline your paper.
Any available assessment results or analysis presented in the book/movie.
A description of your diagnostic impressions of the character using the general definitions provided in the text and class discussions.
What data in the movie/book supports your impressions?
Is there any information that contradicts your impressions?
Basic treatment recommendations – are there any psychological interventions that you would suggest for this character?
**added points if you use a research article outside of your textbook**

Grades will be assigned on the inclusion of these elements, thoroughness, accuracy, and appropriateness of “diagnosis”. Poor writing will not be viewed favorably in grading.


The goal of this assignment is not to train you to diagnose, but to allow you the opportunity to apply the information presented in this course to a fictional situation/person/case/character. It is not advised that you attempt to replicate this assignment on a real person. To do so requires extensive training, of which you do not have yet. I advise extreme caution in any attempts diagnose without training.
Due 11/20/19 @ Midnight via email at
Please name your document to look like the following:
“PSYC3315-section#-NAME”            EXAMPLE: “PSYC3315-Section004-JohnDoe”

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