Case Study: Restless Leg Syndrome

Case Study: Restless Leg Syndrome

Case Study: Restless Leg Syndrome

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Question 28 options:

Closed awareness.

Suspected awareness.

Mutual pretense.

Mutual pretense.

Question 29 (5 points) Question 29 Unsaved

When an older adult client is diagnosed with restless leg syndrome (RLS), the nurse is confident that client education on the condition’s contributing factors has been effective when the client states:

Question 29 options:

“A warm bath at night instead of in the morning is my new routine.”

“Eating a banana at breakfast assures me the potassium I need.”

“I’ve cut way back on my caffeinated coffee, teas and sodas.”

“I elevate my legs on a pillow so as to improve circulation.”

Question 30 (5 points) Question 30 Unsaved

State Death with Dignity Laws require that the terminally ill client be:

Question 30 options:

Educated regarding treatment alternatives.

Over the age of 55.

Be supported in their decision by immediate family members.

Eligible for federal support services.

Question 31 (5 points) Question 31 Unsaved

Serious and well controlled research studies on aging have been available:

Question 31 options:

Only in the past 50 years

Since the turn of the 20th century

Following the Great Depression

Since the year 2000

Question 32 (5 points) Question 32 Unsaved

Which activity would a couple in the reorientation phase of their retirement engage in?

Question 32 options:

Establishing a new budget that will allow them to travel to see the grandchildren.

Reading magazines devoted to making decisions about retirement plans.

Looking for ways to ‘fill up the days.’

Volunteering at the local animal shelter.

Question 33 (5 points) Question 33 Unsaved

What factor is an important contribution to polypharmacy in older adults?

Question 33 options:

Inadequate communication among medical care providers.

Implementation of Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit.

Use of generic medications.

Increasing popularity of dietary and herbal supplements.

Question 34 (5 points) Question 34 Unsaved

Which is the most likely reason that Type 2 diabetes mellitus is often difficult to diagnose in older adults?

Question 34 options:

Presenting symptoms occur very quickly.

The disease rarely occurs in older adults.

The classic symptoms may not be present in older adults.

There are no recognizable symptoms; it is a “silent killer.”

Question 35 (5 points) Question 35 Unsaved

An older client in a long-term care facility is receiving an annual physical and is ordered laboratory tests that include a complete blood count, serum electrolytes, and thyroid tests. When the client’s son questions why these tests are being ordered by saying, “Dad is 85 and supposed to be sleepy,” the nurse’s response is based on an understanding that:

Question 35 options:

The healthcare provider ordering the tests needs to explain the rationale to the son.

When conducted annually, all of the tests are helpful in promoting maximum health for older adults in the long-term care setting.

The tests are useful, but only if clinically indicated.

The complete blood count and serum electrolytes are useful screening tests, but the usefulness of the thyroid test should be questioned.

Question 36 (5 points) Question 36 Unsaved

Which reaction to the loss of a spouse or long-term partner is a unique example of older adult male bereavement?

Question 36 options:

Withdrawing from friends and family.

Remarrying within months of the loss.

Focusing on ‘doing’ rather than ‘feeling.’

Experiencing moderate to severe depression.

Question 37 (5 points) Question 37 Unsaved

It is imperative that nursing take a leadership role in providing effective health care across the lifespan and in various health care settings. Which intervention will have the greatest impact on achieving positive outcomes concerning that issue?

Question 37 options:

An acute care facility providing continuing education credits for geriatric nursing in-services.

A baccalaureate degree nursing program including a geriatric care course into the curriculum.

A professional nursing organization provides advanced practice status as a geriatric specialist.

A long-term care facility’s nursing director is a certified geriatric nurse practitioner.

Question 38 (5 points) Question 38 Unsaved

In order to focus on the older population with the greatest risk for suicide the nurse would conduct a depression screening that targets:

Question 38 options:

African-American men.

White men.

White women.

African-American women.

Question 39 (5 points) Question 39 Unsaved

Which outcome regarding the effects of touch on the skin is not supported by current research?

Question 39 options:

Brings about sensory stimulation.

Help relieves physical and psychosocial pain.

Known to reduce anxiety and tension.

Improves skin integrity.

Question 40 (5 points) Question 40 Unsaved

The nurse is caring for a client with a newly diagnosed chronic illness. In answering the client’s questions, the nurse most accurately responds when basing the response on the fact that:

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