Case Study: Discussion: Oral Presentation
Case Study: Discussion: Oral Presentation
Case Study: Discussion: Oral Presentation
Case Study: Discussion: Oral Presentation
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Week 10 – Assignment 1 Discussion For this discussion question, you are asked to review the student learning outcomes for this course and discuss how you met these outcomes. The intention here is to provide you an opportunity to “reflect” on the learning achieved during this term and how you successfully met these learning outcomes. If you do not feel you successfully met the objective, discuss your plans to successfully complete the objective in the future. By the end of the course, the student should be able to: Demonstrate synthesis of the knowledge and skills acquired in preceding graduate nursing core and specialty curriculum content. Evaluate current health policy and legal and ethical considerations in addressing the health promotion and disease prevention of a target population. Integrate this synthesis in the creation of a scholarly project of either an evidenced-based practice proposal or a research proposal that generates new nursing knowledge. Disseminate significant components of the project through a written paper and oral presentation.
What is an Oral Presentation?
An oral presentation is a short talk on a set topic given to a tutorial or seminar group. In an oral presentation one (or more)
students give a talk to a tutorial group and present views on a topic based on their readings or research. The rest of the
group then joins in a discussion of the topic.
Depending on your course, giving an oral presentation can involve:
• reading background material
• preparing and delivering a talk
• leading a group discussion
• preparing handouts and visual aids
• preparing relevant and thought-provoking questions
• submitting a written assignment based on the presentation topic
Presentation topics are usually scheduled early in the semester. You may be able to choose
your topic or one may be allocated to you. If you are able to choose a topic, select the one that
you have some questions about and that interests you the most. Your presentation may be
given as an individual or as part of a group.
In some courses the oral presentation may be the basis for a written assignment. Check with
your tutor for details. There may be specific requirements you may need to meet and these are
usually detailed in your course outline or study guide.
Preparing a Presentation
Preparing an oral presentation is much like preparing any other assignment; it needs to be
planned researched and written before it is delivered.
Getting started
• Examine the assignment criteria provided in your course outline carefully and make sure
you know exactly what to do. Do you have to answer a set question, present an argument,
explain or discuss something, be critical? If you are unsure, check with your tutor.
• Analyse your audience. What are their needs, constraints, knowledge level?
• Research your topic. You must demonstrate an understanding of the main points of your
tutorial readings, but you will need to read further. Use your course reading list to find
additional relevant information.
• Read and consider the tutorial readings carefully. Express your own conclusions about the opinion/argument/ thesis you
think the author is trying to express. Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in the material
presented in the texts.
• Brainstorm your topic and write a rough outline in point form.
• Organise your material and write a draft—think about the length of time you have to speak and the amount of
information you can include.
• Summarise your draft into points to write on overheads and/or cards.
• Plan and prepare your visual aids.
• Rehearse your presentation and get its length right. Ask a friend to listen and time you.
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