Case-Assignment: Psychosocial Health

Case-Assignment: Psychosocial Health

Case-Assignment: Psychosocial Health

Case-Assignment: Psychosocial Health


Note: When sharing your initial post, select a topic that has not yet been discussed. If all topics have been discussed, then you may select that topic again, but select a different drug within the medication group. For this Discussion, address 1 of the following options. Post by day 3: Option 1: Post a description of a patient you have taken care of (inpatient as an RN, or as an NP student) who has been prescribed the medication you selected. Include the scenario, indication, dosing, complications, and outcome. Then explain whether or not you would have ordered the same drug and same dose. Option 2: Conduct an evidence-based drug search on the drug you selected and post an explanation of any possible issues. Are there any drug interactions? Any black box warnings? To what type of patient would you prescribe this medication? Option 3: Post an explanation of the properties of the drug you selected, including usages and dosing in the hospital or ICU. Describe a patient to whom you would prescribe this medication. Note: To be considered as one of your required responses, your pharmacology rationale must include a supporting reference. Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.Week 2 discussion Discussion Part I: Assessment of Psychosocial Health Conditions In acute care settings, patients with psychosocial health conditions may present with a variety of complex symptoms that require comprehensive assessment. The results from this assessment are crucial to developing a diagnosis and creating an individualized treatment plan for a patient. For this Discussion, you focus on the assessment as you consider case studies of patients with psychosocial health conditions. You determine what history should be collected from the patients as well as what physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted, and you formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions. To prepare: Review this week’s media in Assessment of Psychosocial Health Conditions and select one of the three case studies.

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