Case Assignment: Lifestyle Modifications

Case Assignment: Lifestyle Modifications

Case Assignment: Lifestyle Modifications

Case Assignment: Lifestyle Modifications

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Week 1 discussion Discussion 1 This discussion prompt refers to the Pathways to Safer Opioid Use simulation. After participating in the Pathways to Safer Opioid Use simulation exercise, reflect on the following. Have you empowered a patient to believe they could make needed lifestyle modifications irrespective of the barriers that exist in their environment? Please provide examples. If so, you were engaged in health promotion activities as part of your nursing role. Where there any strategies used in this simulation exercise that you use to improve patient health literacy? Are there any that you use that were not mentioned here? In your experience, how effective are these strategies? What are some of the biggest challenges you encounter when trying to improve health literacy? What solutions can you offer to manage these challenges? Discussion 2 Choose two emerging populations, such as Latino/Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, or Black/African Americans. How do health issues differ between the two populations?Lifestyle modification. Definition. Lifestyle modification involves altering long-term habits, typically of eating or physical activity, and maintaining the new behaviour for months or years. Lifestyle modification can be used to treat a range of diseases, including obesity.

What is a lifestyle modification weight loss program?

Mercy Health doctors recommend lifestyle modifications such as eating healthy and gradually starting an exercise plan for all obese patients trying to lose weight. Small lifestyle changes that gradually lower your weight can drastically improve your health.

Symptoms from obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, musculoskeletal problems and diabetes can be reversed if the weight loss is maintained over a life span.

This non-surgical weight loss program is medically supervised and patients are closely monitored as they progress towards better health and emotional well-being.

Most patients will find a combination of treatments, including diet and exercise, is the most effective way to achieve weight loss.

What do lifestyle modifications entail?

Mercy Health doctors recommend a combination of eating nutritious foods, exercise and behavioral changes to help lose weight.

Dietary changes

Dietary changes have historically been the primary treatment for weight loss for most patients. Diets work when a person eats fewer calories than they consume on a regular, extended basis. To lose weight via a diet, some nutritional guidelines include:

  • Limit your consumption of juices and calorie-filled drinks such as sodas
  • If you drink juice, drink 100% fruit juices
  • Eat until you feel full and stop
  • Do not force children or teens to finish their plate — allow your child to stop eating when they are full
  • Prepare and serve foods that are high in nutrients such as whole grains, lower-fat dairy, and fruits and vegetables
  • Eliminate or reduce calories that have no nutritional value such as processed foods, sugar and sweets
  • Avoid fried foods as much as possible
  • Reduce portion sizes

Exercising regularly

Your Mercy Health weight loss team will work with you to develop an exercise plan that is manageable for your life. Most patients will need to exercise 30 minutes or more each day to effectively lose weight.

Activities can include walking your dog, taking a class at the gym, doing water aerobics. Find something fun you like to do and make it a habit to do it each day.

Finding a partner to exercise with makes it easier to do it each day and holds you accountable for showing up. Exercising early in the morning can also be effective for patients with hectic lifestyles. You will start the day feeling accomplished and avoid missing it later in the day if something comes up unexpectedly.

You can break your activity up into “mini” sessions. Take a 10-minute walking break at work instead of grabbing a snack. You will come back feeling rejuvenated and ready to jump back into work.

Behavioral changes

Behavioral changes in conjunction with diet and exercise are often recommended as a part of a long-term weight loss and management strategy. In some cases, a Mercy Health psychologist will analyze your eating, activity and thinking habits and give recommendations on how to develop healthier lifestyle habits. Strategies may include:

  • Self-monitor — identify risk behavior such as stress eating
  • Stimulus control — remove any factors that encourage an unhealthy lifestyle such as not purchasing any foods that are tempting like ice cream or chips
  • Problem solve — address problems that have led to obesity such as leading a sedative lifestyle
  • Reward yourself — instead of using food as a reward, use other motivators such as a trip to the salon
  • Develop a support network — encourage your friends and family to help you in the journey and/or join a support group with others who have similar eating or lifestyle challenges
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