By changing the fairytales storylines throughout the years has the lesson for kids been lost?
Must use peer reviewed articles.
To make sure that these areas are covered, each annotation should address the following questions:
• Who is the author, and what are his/her qualifications?
• With what organization or institution is the author associated (if relevant)?
• Who funded the project from which the research is taken (if relevant)?
• What aspects of your inquiry does this entry address?
• What perspectives does the author take on the issues you are pursuing?
• What conclusions does the author draw?
• What do you think might be helpful to you in making your case and/or developing your essay?
(will be ran through safe assign)
fall 102
Now that you have identified an issue for your research project, done preliminary reading, analyzed the issue in the context of the material you found, and articulated a guiding research question, this assignment asks you to address the next stage of the project: thorough, thoughtful research. In particular, it asks you to prepare an annotated bibliography of fifteen sources pertinent to your issue. These may include the sources located for the Issue Analysis.
The Annotated Bibliography contains two parts: the citation of the source in correct MLA format, followed by a paragraph or two of your own prose that both describes and evaluates the source in terms of your own research. In other words, the paragraph should tell the reader what the source is, what kinds of material it contains (background, general commentary, positive arguments, etc.) regarding the topic, and how you envision it in your own project.
To make sure that these areas are covered, each annotation should address the following questions:
• Who is the author, and what are his/her qualifications?
• With what organization or institution is the author associated (if relevant)?
• Who funded the project from which the research is taken (if relevant)?
• What aspects of your inquiry does this entry address?
• What perspectives does the author take on the issues you are pursuing?
• What conclusions does the author draw?
• What do you think might be helpful to you in making your case and/or developing your essay?
For example, let us assume you are working on the broad topic of child-directed advertising. Your guiding research question is: What are the effects of advertising on young children? Your citation and annotation of Robert Davis’s important article dealing with this matter might look like this:
Davis, Robert. “TV, Tykes, and Tony the Tiger: How Advertisers See Children.” Advertising Age Apr. 2012: 16-23. Print.
Robert Davis is a professor of child psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. He has spoken before the Federal Trade Commission on the effects of commercial advertising on children. In his article, Davis argues that marketers understand that consumer habits and brand loyalty develop at an early age; advertisers therefore aggressively target their campaigns to children as young as two (18). Because they are developmentally immature, very young children are often incapable of distinguishing television commercials from entertainment programs and are prone to believe everything presented (including animation) is real. Cartoon characters are particularly powerful attention grabbers for the young, as ninety-five percent of three- to twelve-year-old children were able to identify both Mickey Mouse and Joe Camel (20). Davis contends that cigarette maker Phillip Morris knowingly used the famous “Joe Camel” ads of the early 1990s to cultivate a new generation of smokers by instilling brand identification in young children long before they took their first puff (21-3).
Since Davis is a child psychologist, his research provides credible evidence regarding the potentially harmful exploitation of commercial advertising as well as its ability to indoctrinate children into consumer culture. He also places his argument in the broad context of what others have said about the matter, and I plan to use his article as the basis for further research. While I believe Davis overstates the permanent harm inflicted by advertising on children, I might use his warnings to demonstrate the “worst case scenario” regarding the possible psychological influence of consumer culture on the impressionable minds of children.
While working on the Annotated Bibliography, keep in mind the following:
First, this project should not represent the sum total of your research to date, nor should it conclude it. You should not include everything you come across related to the topic since not all of it will be germane. Instead, at least skim the source for relevance and evaluate it for credibility before reading with annotation in mind. Likewise, do not stop researching once the Annotated Bibliography is complete. Many of the sources included in it will be cited in the final paper, but others will not. They will be replaced by new and more relevant sources you find as your research continues. As a general rule of thumb, you should probably locate and review two sources for each one you include on the Annotated Bibliography.
Second, students are responsible for evaluating the sources for appropriateness and credibility. We will talk about this in class (especially regarding internet sources). Keep in mind, too, the help offered by EKU’s librarians and the Noel Studio tutors.
Third, the Annotated Bibliography (and research in general) should make use of a variety of kinds of sources including (but not limited to) books, scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, non-print sources, and electronic sources. The representation of different types of sources will be determined by some degree by the individual topics, but no bibliography should be overly dependent on one type of resource.
Due Date: Rough draft/Peer Review October 22: at least ten sources annotated to qualify as a rough draft.
Final due date: Tuesday, October 29.
Format: Proper MLA style for all citations. Citations should be placed in alphabetical order. Annotations should follow each citation. Student annotations should be clear, informative, and grammatically and stylistically sound.
Grade: 15% of final grade
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