business report

Your Week 5 project proposal memo must include the following:
A brief description of your audience for your business report (Who would really receive this report and be able to act on it? Thats your audience!)
An explanation of your purpose, including at least three reasons/benefits of the proposed change you will support in your business report
A list of the 4-6 professional sources you will use for your business report cited in either MLA or APA style (This list should be integrated as part of the memo to explain how you will support your recommendation, such as The following sources will be used to support the recommendation: <Then list the sources as they would appear on your list of references in the final report.>)
The Week 5 memo should be 1-2 single-spaced pages and formatted as a professional memo.
Purpose and Audience: The audience is your instructor. The purpose is to confirm that your audience, purpose, plan, and research are appropriate for the business report and presentation and to receive feedback from the instructor concerning your plan for those later assignments.

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business report was first posted on February 1, 2020 at 4:40 am.
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