Assignment: Words and Actions

Assignment: Words and Actions

Assignment: Words and Actions

Assignment: Words and Actions


Week 9 discussion Servant leaders must be internally consistent with their words and actions. Describe a mentor that you have had that displayed this kind of credibility. Share an example of what you witnessed from this person. Based on the text, contrast your response to the secular view of power.

ou can tell a lot about a person through both their words and their actions. Their words give you insight into what they think and feel, and their actions give you insight into their ethics, beliefs, and commitment. While there is a lot of debate about whether actions speak louder than words, there is a lot of reasons to believe that it is true. Following are 11 times that actions definitely speak louder than words.

1. When Trust Needs To Be Built

It doesn’t matter what type of relationship you want to talk about, trust is important to maintain it. Without trust, the relationship crumbles, suspicion and hurt feelings come in, and eventually the relationship falls apart completely. It’s easy to say something to try to build trust, but not as easy to build trust through your actions.

Each time you say you are going to do something, but don’t, your actions speak louder than words. You are telling the other person that you don’t have the desire, capability, or willingness to stick to your promises or word. Soon, you can say anything you want to someone and they will literally only believe it when they see it.

If you want relationships to last, then your actions need to match what you say. Don’t make false promises with your words and not live up to them!

2. When Committing To Goals

The New Year is a great time to make goals, but even you know that your words are often a bunch of baloney. You can make all the promises you want to yourself, but if you don’t stick to them, then you are not going to have much faith in what you promise yourself.

Think about weight loss. You may commit to working out each day for a month straight because you know that it will improve your energy during the day, improve your sleep at night, and help you burn off some extra calories. But, words won’t give you those benefits, only actions will. The same goes for all health goals, relationship goals, financial goals, and work goals.

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