Assignment: Use of Objectives
Assignment: Use of Objectives
Assignment: Use of Objectives
Assignment: Use of Objectives
Module IV Discussion Compare and contrast the use of objectives, questions, or hypotheses used in quantitative and qualitative articles. Post your initial response by Wednesday at midnight. Respond to one student by Sunday at midnight. Both responses should be a minimum of 150 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 2 references are required (other than your text). Refer to the Grading Rubric for Online Discussion in the Course Resource section.1. A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.
In general, objectives are more specific and easier to measure than goals. Objectives are basic tools that underlie all planning and strategic activities. They serve as the basis for creating policy and evaluating performance. Some examples of business objectives include minimizing expenses, expanding internationally, or making a profit.
2. Neutral (bias free), relating to, or based on verifiable evidence or facts instead of on attitude, belief, or opinion. Opposite of subjective.
For further explanation, see Goals vs.
An important objective of personal financial planning is to ensure that unnecessary expenses are eliminated and that necessary expenditures are dealt with in a timely manner, so as not to generate late fees or other penalties.
Objective refers to the elimination of subjective perspectives and a process that is purely based on hard facts.
Okay, so how does this influence investing? Investors should approach investing purely objectively and make their decisions based on hard analysis of the facts. You’d expect an investor to do some due diligence on their investing options and once that’s done simply select the option with the best return or that best meets their objectives. While that sounds straight forward it’s a lot harder in practice as investors are influenced by perceptions of companies, both public and their own, as well as simply their ‘gut feel’ of a company.
For some investors this works well, they pick the winner that no one else saw coming. For others, they commit to an investment for the wrong reasons and it burns them. Investors also struggle to remain objective once they’ve made an investment. A stock takes a hit and they dump it in a hurry, or a stock appreciates and they hold on to it even as it declines because they remember that good performance. The goal of investing is to buy low and sell high and either of the thought processes above defeat that goal.
When making investing decisions it’s always important to make sure you think about and consider whether you are letting subjective thoughts work their way into the process.
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