Assignment: Productivity Increase Case-Study

Assignment: Productivity Increase Case-Study

Assignment: Productivity Increase Case-Study

Assignment: Productivity Increase Case-Study

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Week 3 – Assignment 1 Discussion In this discussion, you will share your search strategies that you have employed to find evidence for your study. For this discussion: State your PICOT question. Did using the terms used in this question lead you to useful research studies? What MESH terms have you tried? Did they help you find additional studies? Are you finding MESH terms useful to expand or delimit your search? Are you finding relevant articles? If not, how did you modify your search to increase productivity? Indicate which databases you used—those you found useful and those that were not. What levels of evidence do the studies you are finding represent? Post any questions or concerns you may have and provide feedback and recommendations to your classmates. Working together and sharing search strategies is very helpful. Use the Search Tracker to keep track of search terms. Using the appropriate Rapid Clinical Appraisal (RCA) Tools, appraise one or two articles and add the information to your Evaluation Table to receive feedback from faculty. At this juncture, your table is a work in progress. You will complete it in Week 4. The RCA Tools and Evaluation Table in Word for you to complete can be found in the Week 3 Overview section. Week 4 – Assignment 1 Discussion Discuss your experience completing the rapid critical appraisal process. Was it really “rapid” or was it more of a laborious process? Did reading the abstract help you make quick decisions about including or excluding the study? What worked best for you in terms of the approach you decided to use to complete the appraisal and Evaluation Table? What didn’t work? Post any questions or concerns you may have and provide feedback and recommendations to your classmates. Working together and sharing search strategies is very helpful. Week 5 – Assignment 1 Discussion This week the discussion focuses on creating a Synthesis Table(s) as a means to summarize and organize the body of evidence from the Evaluation Table. The Synthesis tables will be included in your formal proposal in the Appendix. In the body of the paper, you will describe the “keeper” studies in narrative format. For this discussion, include the following: Share your approach to synthesizing the evidence. What were the variables of interest you identified? Learning to write in a scholarly fashion requires that you are able to succinctly summarize an article in a sentence or two and cite it appropriately using APA format. In this discussion, practice summarizing 2 articles you have identified from the Synthesis Table as pertinent to your proposal. Include the level of evidence, study design, and evidence of rigor. Use appropriate APA citation in text and references. Incorporate feedback from peers and faculty in your Dropbox assignment for this week. In addition to research studies, patient preference and clinical expertise should also be considered. Discuss how you will incorporate these important perspectives into your project proposal.

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