Assignment: Hypotonic And Isotonic.

Assignment: Hypotonic And Isotonic.

Assignment: Hypotonic And Isotonic.

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11. Which term does not belong in this list?

  1. Acid
  2. Vinegar
  3. Hydrogen ion donor
  4. pH 8
  5. Lactic acid

12. The process in which molecules spread randomly from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration is:

  1. Filtration
  2. Diffusion
  3. Exocytosis
  4. Osmosis

13. Organize the following solutions from most concentrated to least concentrated: hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic.

  1. Hypotonic>Hypertonic>Isotonic
  2. Hypertonic>Hypotonic>Isotonic
  3. Hypertonic>Isotonic>Hypotonic
  4. Isotonic>Hypotonic>Hypertonic

14. The rate of diffusion depends on which of the following?

  1. The medium
  2. The size of the molecule
  3. The polarity
  4. All of the above
  5. A. and C. only

15.All of the following are examples of elements except

  1. Oxygen
  2. Water
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Carbon

16. What would happen to a eukaryotic cell, if too much osmotic pressure develops within a cell?

  1. The cell would remain the same size, but the internal organelles would become dehydrated
  2. The cell would decrease in size, and could collapse.
  3. The cell would increase in size, and could lyse.
  4. Nothing, osmotic pressure does not impact the cell.

17. Inthe following chemical reaction, what is carbon dioxide (CO2)?

12 H20 + 6 CO2= 1 glucose molecule + 6 O2

A. substrate

B. product

C. enzyme

D. activation factor

E. independent variable

18. The bond in which two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons is a_________ bond.

  1. Polar
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Ionic
  4. Covalent

19. Which of the following terms includes all of the chemical reactions that occur within a cell?

  1. Cellular respiration
  2. Catabolism
  3. Redox reactions
  4. Metabolism
  5. Phosphorylation

20. Within a cell, energy released by electrons is often used to phosphorylate which of the following molecules?

  1. ADP
  2. ATP
  3. Pyruvate ions
  4. Oxygen
  5. NAD

21. All of the following apply to glycolysis except

  1. Occurs without oxygen
  2. Degrades glucose to H2O and CO2
  3. Ends with formation of pyruvic acid
  4. Occurs during fermentation

22. In which of the phases of cellular respiration is the majority of ATP formed?

  1. Processing of pyruvic acid for the Krebs cycle
  2. Electron transport chain
  3. Glycolysis
  4. The Krebs cycle
  5. All phases produce the same number of ATP molecules

23. The energy of the sun is converted into usable energy for the cell in the form of _________.

  1. ATP
  2. ATP
  3. Glucose
  4. CO2

24. The starting materials of photosynthesis are _____________

  1. Oxygen and glucose
  2. Carbon dioxide and oxygen
  3. Carbon dioxide and water
  4. Oxygen and water
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