Assignment: Geriatric Depression Scale

Assignment: Geriatric Depression Scale Tool

Assignment: Geriatric Depression Scale Tool

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Question 1 (5 points)

An 88-year-old, being admitted to rule out lung cancer, is assessed using the short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale tool. When it is determines that the earned score is 9, the nurse initially:

Question 1 options:

Asks if they have any thoughts of committing suicide.

Recognizes that this score is not indicative of depression.

Knows it is not unusual for clients this age to earn such a score.

Notifies the client’s healthcare provider immediately.

Question 2 (5 points)

A widowed grandmother is about to assume the role of custodial parent for her 6-year-old grandchild. Which intervention has priority when preparing the grandmother for long-term success in this new role?

Question 2 options:

Reviewing the developmental milestones of childhood.

Identifying local sources of child counseling services.

Discussing the common challenges of parenting a 6 year old.

Teaching stress management and relaxation techniques.


Question 3 (5 points)

The client is diagnosed with dyslipidemia. This diagnosis is supported when the client’s lipid panel indicates a: Select all that apply.

Question 3 options:

Triglyceride level of triglyceride levels (>2000 mg/dL).

Low Density Lipids (LDL) level of 120 mg/dL.

Total Cholesterol level of 260 mg/dL.

High Density Lipids (HDL) level of 70 mg/dL.

Glucose level of 230 mg/dL.

Question 4 (5 points)

Which factor is the greatest barrier to an older adult living independently?

Question 4 options:

Deficits in vision and/or hearing resulting in safety issues.

Limited finances that prevent upkeep and maintenance of a residence.

Depression that occurs after the death of a spouse or significant other occurs.

The manifestation of cognitive impairment resulting from dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Question 5 (5 points) Question 5 Unsaved

Compared with acute pain, persistent pain requires the nurse to:

Question 5 options:

Monitor vital signs more frequently.

Document the character of the pain as burning.

Administer analgesics at least every 4 hours.

Educate the client to the benefit of specific lifestyle changes.

Question 6 Unsaved

When diagnosed with diverticulosis, a client asks how this problem occurred. Which assessment data identifies a risk factor for diverticulosis?

Question 6 options:

Drinks a quart of whole milk daily.

Takes an over the counter laxative twice weekly.

History of a Helicobacter pylori infection.

Maintains a diet low in fiber.

Question 7 (5 points) Question 7 Unsaved

When focusing best on the goal of enhancing the health and well-being of the older residents of extended care living facility, the nurse:

Question 7 options:

Assures that they all receive their medications and treatments on time.

Assesses each new resident to determine their food and beverage preferences.

Asks the nursing assistant to “allow the residents to dress themselves but to check that they are dressed appropriately.”

Documents that “the residents appeared to enjoy the opportunity to socialize at the weekly Sunday brunch.”

Question 8 (5 points) Question 8 Unsaved

The nurse best addresses the spirit of the Healthy People 2020 project regarding the older adult when:

Question 8 options:

Providing information regarding where free flu vaccinations are being given to those over 65 years of age.

Facilitating a “Walking for your Health” program for residents of a senior living apartment complex.

Arranging for a registered nutritionist to hold a “Grandparents and their Grandchildren Cooking Together” class.

Encouraging their utilization of government sponsored health and wellness programs that target the senior citizen.

Question 9 (5 points) Question 9 Unsaved

When acting as a fictive kin, in which activity will a paid caregiver engage?

Question 9 options:

Being responsible for paying the client’s bills.

Organizing the client’s birthday celebration.

Accompanying the client to doctor’s appointments.

Assuring the client has clean, appropriate clothing available.

Question 10 (5 points) Question 10 Unsaved

An older adult is being treated for severe pain resulting from a history of osteoarthritis. In her discharge teaching, which information is most important to the successful management of the pain?

Question 10 options:

Check for incompatibilities before taking any new medications.

Arrange to take a dose of analgesic prior to physical activity.

To take the analgesic around the clock as prescribed.

Be alert for the signs of overdose toxicity.

Question 11 (5 points) Question 11 Unsaved

Which diagnostic laboratory test should the nurse anticipate being ordered for the purpose of evaluating an individual’s acute, unexplained weight loss? Select all that apply.

Question 11 options:

A complete blood count (CBC).


Fecal occult blood.

Serum potassium.

Serum electrolytes.

Question 12 (5 points)

When developing a teaching plan for an older, newly diagnosed diabetic client, the nurse best ensures an understanding of oral hypoglycemic medications when providing:

Question 12 options:

The package insert and assessing the client’s reading skills.

The client with the website address for the American Diabetes Association.

Oral explanations and sending the client home with a written copy.

The information in paragraph form as opposed to numbered line fashion.


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Question 13 (5 points) Question 13 Unsaved

While the older African-American is at the highest risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease, the nurse demonstrates an understanding of this disease process’s risk factors when assessing this population’s:

Question 13 options:

Weight and elimination patterns.

Heart rate and capillary refill status.

Blood pressure and glucose serum levels.

Muscle strength and reflex times.

Question 14 (5 points) Question 14 Unsaved

When best promoting a sense of well-being, the role of the nurse caring for a terminally ill client is to:

Question 14 options:

Assume responsibility regarding medical decision making.

Encourage the client to identify his/her idea of a peaceful death.

Provide information regarding hospice care’s ability to prolong life.

Help empower the client to achieve his/her potential for wellness.

Question 15 (5 points) Question 15 Unsaved

The nurse admitting a client to a same day surgery unit makes the decision to notify the surgical team to cancel the procedure based on the client’s statement that:

Question 15 options:

“Will I start taking my St John’s Wort as soon as I can eat again?”

“I’ve haven’t taken my ginkgo for exactly 10 days.”

“I didn’t want to risk catching a cold so I took my Echinacea with just a sip of water.”

“It seemed strange not taking my garlic pill this morning.”

Question 16 (5 points) Question 16 Unsaved

The nurse shows understanding of the need to promote healthy skin in the older adult when encouraging the client to: Select all that apply.

Question 16 options:

Wear a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors.

Pad feet with socks when wearing shoes.

Clean the skin with a moisturizing soap.

Bathe in tepid water.

Always wear gloves in the winter.

Question 17 (5 points) Question 17 Unsaved

What is true about instruments to assess for depression in older adults?

Question 17 options:

Older adults tend to score inaccurately low (indicating less depression) than younger adults on the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale.

The shortened Geriatric Depression Scale does not contain a question to evaluate suicide potential.

The Beck Depression Inventory is designed for gerontological patients.

The Geriatric Depression Scale is administered by a health care provider in an interview with the older adult.

Question 18 (5 points) Question 18 Unsaved

The family member of a patient asks if vitamin C will prevent aging. In formulating an appropriate response, the nurse considers the:

Question 18 options:

Free radical theory.

Immunity theory.

Clinker theory.

Continuity theory.

Question 19 (5 points) Question 19 Unsaved

Which housing arrangement would best address the family who wants to provide housing for an older family member who has a large degree of physical and cognitive independence and a desire to be closely involved with the family?

Question 19 options:

Dedicating the spare bedroom in the home to the family member

A house at a senior retirement community.

A “granny” apartment in a separate part of the house.

Private room at a residential care facility.

Assignment: Geriatric Depression Scale

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