Assignment: Format for Clinicians

Assignment: Format for Clinicians

Assignment: Format for Clinicians

Assignment: Format for Clinicians


Week 2 assignment 2 Evidence Based Project Proposal For this week’s Dropbox assignment, you will submit Part 1 of the project proposal in a one-page APA formatted paper (excluding the cover page and reference page). Be sure to reflect on feedback from faculty and classmates from this week’s discussion. Include: Part 1: Introduction Summarize the practice issue in need of change providing background information and the perceived significance of the problem Describe the specific aims of the project – what improved outcomes do you hope to achieve State your question in PICOT format, labeling each part with P-I-C-O-T in parentheses Discuss the significance of the issue in terms of poor outcomes, cost, etc
Clinicians often witness impressive treatment results in practice and may wish to pursue research to formally explore their anecdotal experiences. The potential to further new knowledge both within the profession and to the

greater healthcare system is compelling. An obvious next step for a practitioner considering research is to connect with experienced researchers to convey their idea for a study, who may in turn ask, “What is your research question?” With limited understanding of how to respond, this interaction may result in the first and last experience these clinicians will have with the research community.

It has been estimated that between 1% and 7% of the chiropractic profession in Canada is engaged in research. 1,2 Arguably, this low engagement could be the result of practitioners’ perceived importance of research and levels of research literacy and capacity. However, increasing demands for evidence-based approaches across the health system puts pressure on all clinicians to base their decisions on the best available scientific evidence. Lack of clinician representation in research has the probable effect of limiting growth and new developments for the profession. Furthermore, lack of clinician involvement in research complicates the transfer of study findings into practical settings.

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