Although Sir Gawain and the Green Knight falls into the Romance genre, it’s often interpreted as an allegory about how a Christian should conduct himself (or herself) in preparation for God’s judgment. Does the poem support such a reading? Is Gawain a good Christian
Then, choose ONE of the following topics. Using your book and notes, write a multi-paragraph essay in response. Outside sources or research are not necessary. But you MUST use direct quotes from the text you’re discussing. Try at least one or two per body paragraph.
500-700 words
Double space through
Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font
Follow MLA guidelines
Submit the essay in MS Word, .pdf, or .rtf format to the appropriate Assignments dropbox by the due date.
If you have questions about these topics, you may ask them in the Course Q&A Discussion Topic.
1. Assess the validity of the following statement: Beowulf demonstrates that the relationship between a lord and his retainer(s) was perhaps the most important bond in Anglo-Saxon society.
2. Although Sir Gawain and the Green Knight falls into the Romance genre, it’s often interpreted as an allegory about how a Christian should conduct himself (or herself) in preparation for God’s judgment. Does the poem support such a reading? Is Gawain a good Christian?
3. While both Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight demonstrate how the feudal “contract” between lords and their vassals is supposed to work, Macbeth shows how that contract can break down. First define the contract, and then explain how Macbeth is a play “about” its destruction.
4. A Tragedy (literary genre) is often described as a play about the fall of a great man, usually due to his own shortcomings.
Make a case for Macbeth’s greatness, then show how his character flaw(s) lead to the play’s tragic events. Is Macbeth different at the end of the play than at the beginning?
5. In both Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, women are divided into two kinds: (1) Queenly symbols of a well-run kingdom; and (2) serious threats to men and their moral obligations.
Compare Lady Macbeth to one of the females you read about in an earlier work. Who is she most like?
The second part of the exam is a long “take home” essay. By “take home,” I mean that you can write the essay at your own convenience, with no time constraints as long as you submit it to the Midterm Exam
You will be able to choose one topic from a handful of questions. Upon making your choice, write just one essay of approximately 500 words (1.5-2 pages using double spacing and 12 pt. Times New Roman font).
The essay should be an excellent example of academic writing, and thus should feature an introduction, at least two thoughtfully-organized body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
I will be looking for the following:
1) A good, well-developed introduction
2) A thesis (you may underline it) at the end of your introduction
3) Strong topic sentences at the beginning of each body paragraph
4) A significant amount of development in the body paragraphs–you must use quotes from the literature and cite them properly!
5) A proper conclusion
Hopefully, you are familiar with all of these concepts from English 1101 and 1102. I hesitate to give you a required essay length, but when you write four good paragraphs you should have at least 1.5 pages if using 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double spacing.
By the way, your essay should use 12 pt., TNR font. It should be double-spaced throughout. Use the knowledge about format you’ve received in your previous English courses and submit the essay in either MS Word, .pdf, or .rtf.
Last but not least: Your essay will be automatically checked for originality with’s plagiarism detection software when you submit it to the Assignments folder. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE, or you will be subject to GSU’s severe Academic Honesty Policy.
The post Although Sir Gawain and the Green Knight falls into the Romance genre, it’s often interpreted as an allegory about how a Christian should conduct himself (or herself) in preparation for God’s judgment. Does the poem support such a reading? Is Gawain a good Christian ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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The post Although Sir Gawain and the Green Knight falls into the Romance genre, it’s often interpreted as an allegory about how a Christian should conduct himself (or herself) in preparation for God’s judgment. Does the poem support such a reading? Is Gawain a good Christian appeared first on First Class Essay Writers.