aas33b watch the lecture video and answer the follow up question pose in the video- Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

aas33b watch the lecture video and answer the follow up question pose in the video- Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

Hi everyone,

Below is my recorded lecture video for April 9 (discussing resistance against the California Alien Land Act and political disfranchisement of Asian Americans) so be sure to review it at your convenience.

link to lecture video on youtube: https://youtu.be/AyFbVWBNPqU (Links to an external site.)

link to Trump proposing to end birthright citizenship: https://youtu.be/xH-Q0HA7CAU (Links to an external site.)

Also, don’t forget to answer my topic/follow up question I pose in the video to receive credit for participation. To enter your response, click on the reply button below to pull up the text entry box.

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