Controversial PTSD Topic Investigation

Class-Preparation Assignment 3

Controversial PTSD Topic Investigation

From diagnosis, to conceptualization, to treatment approaches, there are many controversial topics related to trauma and PTSD. A wide range of opinions on these topics exist among scholars in academia, experts in other fields, trauma survivors and their family members, politicians and policy-makers, and various support and resource-related organizations. Many of the topics in which there is a lack of consensus represent important issues with far-reaching implications. Here are a few controversial issues related to trauma and PTSD that we have not discussed extensively in class thus far:

Malingering and PTSD – How often do individuals malinger PTSD and is this a serious problem? Do legal and organizational policies (e.g., the military’s compensation and pension system; disability programs) encourage malingering or non-recovery among trauma survivors?

Recovered memories – Are recovered memories valid and should they be used in legal settings?

Cross-cultural reactions to trauma – Is PTSD a European American culture-bound syndrome with limited applicability to posttraumatic reactions within traditional cultures? Do Western approaches to trauma pathologize natural human suffering and impede resiliency? Are non-European American understandings of trauma equally informative and valid?

Universities policies on sexual assault – Are universities’ policies on sexual assault effective, ethical, and appropriate? Are universities doing too much or too little in response to sexual assault on campuses?

PTSD & the Insanity Defense – Should PTSD be used as part of a defendant’s insanity defense, and is it over-used?

Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) – Is C-PTSD conceptually distinct than the DSM-5’s definition of PTSD, and should it be considered in future editions of the manual?

DSM-5 PTSD versus DSM-IV PTSD – Did the diagnostic revisions to PTSD in the DSM-5 (which was published in 2013) “get it right this time”? What advantages, and potential disadvantages, does the DSM-5 definition of PTSD have over previous definitions?

Spend about 2 hours exploring and reflecting on one of the controversial PTSD topics above or any other controversial topic not already discussed extensively in class. You should find and examine at least 2 sources, one of which should be a research article in a scientific journal. Be prepared to discuss them with your classmates in small groups. Turn this document into Canvas.

Name: _______________________

Topic: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Source 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes on source 1:

Source 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes on source 2:

Why does this topic appear to be controversial?

After reflecting on this topic and reviewing your sources, what is your stance on this topic and why?

What is the opposing stance on this issue, and why do you think some people take this stance?