Emotionally Focused Therapy Home
COUN 623 WK 5
LEARNING ACTIVITY #2: Homework Partner Call; Competence & Character Growth Plan Review; SYMBIS or GOTTMAN Activity (CLO 5, 6)
Overview and Objective:
Students will connect with this week’s homework partner to review their Competence & Character Growth Plan. They will also discuss the following materials assigned for this Learning Activity. Students always have the opportunity to discuss any other Learning Activities to help each other out.
0. Watch John Townsend’s video, “Principles for Pre-Marital Counseling”
0. Choose either the SYMBIS or Gottman Assessment
1. For $200 you may take the following assessment and receive a certification to use with future clients: http://symbis.com/townsend-institute
1. Print your proof of certification
2. Gottman:
2. Watch the video in this Gottman Blog Post: https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-four-horsemen-recognizing-criticism-contempt-defensiveness-and-stonewalling/
2. Take this self-test: http://www.marleneandbob.com/selftest4horsemen.pdf
2. Read the antidotes blog post: https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-four-horsemen-the-antidotes/
2. Write a brief paragraph noting which of the 4 horsemen with which you can most identify as well as the antidotes suggested by the Gottmans’ to avoid this trap.
0. Email your Homework Partner for this week to establish a time for your call. This will usually last around 15-30 minutes.
0. During the actual call you will do the following:
4. You will touch base for 5-10 minutes about your Competence & Character Growth Plan before you do your role-play.
4. You will discuss one positive step of growth and or a challenge you have had this past week. You will share what you want to focus on this coming week that will move one part of your growth plan forward.
4. Then spend the rest of the time discussing the results of your SYMBIS report OR your Gottman assessment.
4. You always have the opportunity to discuss any other Learning Activities to help each other out.
0. Upload your SYMBIS certification to Bb OR your paragraph detailing results of the ” 4 horsemen” assessment as described above.
. You can earn up to 25 points.
· LEARNING ACTIVITY #3: Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Models (CLO 2, 3, 4, 5)
Overview and Objective:
Students will become familiar with contributions made to the practice of family therapy by leaders in the behavioral and cognitive-behavioral models of family therapy. Students will begin to differentiate between “top-down” versus “bottom-up” approaches to couple and family therapy.
1. Read Chapter 12 in Goldenberg Text
1. Watch the following video, “The Gottman Approach”
1. Write a reflective discussion post which addresses the following: Discuss how Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Models approach Family therapy from a “top-down” or problem-solving position versus the attachment-based approach of “bottom-up” or working with the reactivity of each partner first that gets in the way of problem-solving. In particular, review the Gottman Methodon pp. 327-328. Identify how his “Four Horseman of the Apocalypse” correlate with Johnson’s “Pursuer” and “Withdrawer” stance in a negative interaction cycle between partners and/or family members. Discuss your opinion of the pros and cons of using a strictly CBT approach to family therapy.
1. Read your classmates’ initial posts and choose 2 to make a response post.
1. If your professor makes a response post, read it and respond to it.
. Initial post (minimum 150 words, 10-15 sentences) due Friday @ midnight.
. Two response posts (minimum 50 words, 3-5 sentences) due Sunday @ midnight.
. You can earn up to 50 points (40 for the initial post and 5 points for each response post).
. Remember to review the rubric for this type of assignment. It will elaborate on what is expected in your work.
· LEARNING ACTIVITY #4: Marriage Enrichment in Family Therapy (CLO 5, 6, 7, 8)
Overview and Objective:
Students will review a marriage enrichment resource. Students will identify therapeutic interventions that could be used additionally to help couples apply the wisdom gleaned through such enrichment resources.
2. Read Chapter 5 in “Rescue Your Love Life” by Cloud and Townsend.
2. Read Chapter 5 in Johnson Text 3.
2. Watch the following video:
2. Use the case example from “Rescue Your Love Life” on pp. 145-147 to write a 1-page synopsis of this couple’s negative interactional cycle. This should include:
4. Identify the following:
1. Name of the Pursuer, the Pursuer’s presenting emotion, the Pursuer’s action tendency or behavior seen
1. Name of the Withdrawer, the Withdrawer’s presenting emotion
1. The Withdrawer’s action tendency or behavior seen.
4. Next, identify what is “underneath” the presenting negative interactional cycle. In a short paragraph summarize what the pursuer’s vulnerable core emotion is and how she keeps this part protected (Hint: reactive emotion and behavior). Also summarize the withdrawer’s vulnerable core emotion and how he keeps this part protected (Hint: reactive emotion and behavior).
4. How could you make sense of this cycle by looking through the lens of unmet attachment needs and fears?
. Submit your paper by midnight Sunday
. You will earn up to 25 points.
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